Before Blake could suggest anything, he suddenly heard a deep growl coming from behind him. It lasted for a few seconds and made him shake rapidly along with the belly fat all around him. In the mirror, he could even see Hannah's belly vibrating just like when it rumbled earlier. The whole experience was such a delight for his senses that he started getting hot and flustered again.


"Guess I'm hungry again," Hannah remarked as she rubbed her rumbling belly. Then she felt a strange warmth coming from Blake's spot on her belly, similar to what she felt earlier when he admitted he liked certain things about being in his sister's belly. A playful smile formed on her face when she realised that this was him blushing. "So you like it when my belly rumbles, huh?" she asked with a teasing giggle.


"I ... kinda ..." was all Blake managed to get out before Hannah's belly rumbled again. He knew he shouldn't be enjoying his girlfriend's hunger like this, but the sound and the sensation left him in a state of bliss. Though if the chuckle he heard as Hannah rubbed her belly was anything to go by, she didn't seem to mind.


"My belly gets pretty loud, huh?" The chubby girl was also having fun teasing Blake about his love for the noises her belly makes - something she actually wormed out of him on their fourth date. "I wonder if you can actually feel the rumbling in there," she said with an amused titter, thinking it'd be pretty cool if he could.


"Y-yeah, it's like ... well ... like a little earthquake, but more fun," Blake answered hesitantly, just about managing to get everything out before Hannah's belly rumbled again, subjecting him to the fun little earthquake once more. Hannah burst out laughing when she heard Blake's description. There was no denying that her boyfriend was weird, but it was just the right kind of weird.


"A fun little earthquake? More like a belly quake, I imagine!" Hannah jested, giving her pudgy belly a couple of pats. She then started making her way to the kitchen, her belly jiggling with each step. "Well, I gotta get something to eat, but you can always listen to my belly digest it. And if you stay in there long enough, maybe you'll get to hear it rumble again later." Blake could no longer see Hannah's face but he could hear the playful grin she had.


In the kitchen, Hannah grabbed the plate that previously carried Blake in his burger form and then started searching for some snacks. In one of the cupboards, she found a bag of spicy potato chips and a pack of chocolate chip cookies. In the fridge, she found a pot of strawberry yoghurt and a cool, refreshing bottle of soda. Deciding that this would be enough for the time being, she retrieved a spoon from the silverware drawer and then walked briskly back to Blake's room with her spoils. And all the while, her belly continued to rumble intermittently, completely captivating the mage trapped within.


Once the two of them were back in Blake's room, Hannah dragged a chair in front of the mirror, took a seat, and put her plate on her lap. Then, as her belly rumbled one more time, she tucked in to her snacks, starting with the spicy chips. Blake could hear the chips crunching as his girlfriend chewed them up. Then, shortly after she swallowed, he heard the mashed-up chips hit her stomach acid with a splash. The acid bubbled and fizzed, starting to break down her snack with ease, while she ate more and more of the chips, slowly filling up her hungry belly.


Soon, however, Hannah needed something to drink. She opened the soda bottle and took a few gulps of the bubbling beverage. When it poured into her stomach, Blake then heard a rumbling sound behind him, but this wasn't the same as the hungry growls from before. This one sounded like it was rising. The mage quickly realised that gas from the soda was building up inside Hannah's belly. Her stomach tried to contain it for a bit, but before long ...




Hannah gave her pudgy belly a couple of pats to get it to settle down before she resumed eating her chips. Blake could feel himself and the nearby belly fat getting shaken up by the impacts his girlfriend's hand made. Watching her eat and listening to her belly digest her food brought him so much pleasure that he didn't want to say anything for fear of ruining the moment.


Once Hannah had eaten all the chips, taken another swig of soda, and let out another loud burp, she moved on to the yoghurt. She scooped spoonful after spoonful of the substance into her mouth, letting each one rest on her tongue long enough for her to savour its flavour before gulping it down. Blake heard each glob plop down into her stomach before the acids started melting it away. It sounded like the mouthfuls were coming in thick and fast. He knew Hannah was hungry but he hadn't quite realised just how hungry she was.


Once all the yoghurt was gone, Hannah drank some more of her soda, which made her burp once again, and then started eating the cookies. Just like with the chips, Blake could hear crunching noises from above as his girlfriend ate her final snack. It was a deeper sound than before, however, as was the sound the cookies made when they landed in her stomach. The mage found himself fascinated by the different ways that different foods sounded in Hannah's belly.


Eventually, once all of the food and most of the soda had found a new home in Hannah's belly, the chubby girl sighed contentedly and gave her satisfied belly a few pats. She then peered down at her belly and prodded it near Blake's location, pushing him around a little.


"Huh?" Blake uttered as the sudden nudge snapped him out of his trance.


"You were awfully quiet in there, Blake," Hannah observed wryly. "I guess my belly's left you speechless!" Blake simply nodded in response and his girlfriend watched with amusement as his spot on her belly slowly moved up and down. She then gently stroked her belly as it gurgled away, happily digesting the food inside it. Meanwhile, Blake relaxed as he listened to her belly's noises for a little while. Being a bit of fat on Hannah's belly was looking pretty good so far, but was there more for him to experience?

May 20
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