Figuring that he’d marveled at the relative spaciousness of Nora’s nose for long enough, Blake traveled deeper into the mucus-lined tunnel for about another minute before suddenly tripping face-forward. The tiny mage struggled to stand back up, but his right foot was just not cooperating - it seemed to be stuck in something. He realized: he’d stepped in some of his crush’s snot by mistake!


Blake got up as best as he could and put every ounce of his strength into freeing his mucus-bound foot, eventually breaking away from the sticky stuff (and being fortunate enough to avoid losing his shoe in the process). Unluckily, the mage’s efforts flung him deeper into Nora’s nasal passage and, soon enough, he landed near something large and pinkish in color…


Nora’s brain. The vital organ behind her every thought, deciding every action for the rest of her body to take.


Blake couldn’t help but stare in awe, until a rather unorthodox idea popped into his own brain: what if he toyed with Nora’s grey matter and literally changed her mind to like him? It sounded like a good idea on paper, but he didn’t want to damage his crush’s brain. There was also the risk of being found out, at which point Nora would hate him even more!


What happens next?

May 8
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