With Citrine standing in front of her mirror, Blake had a great view of her bare belly, and he couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful it looked. He was captivated by how big and round it was, and the way it hung over the waistband of her sweatpants, and the way it dipped and folded in the middle to form her cute belly button. He sighed happily as he continued to stare at the nerd's plump, gurgling belly.


"Hey Blake."


Blake snapped out of his trance when he heard Citrine say his name. He hastily shifted his gaze up to her face and saw a playful smile on her face.


"Wanna have some fun with my belly?" Citrine asked in a sultry tone.


"Ooh, what kind of fun?" Blake couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. When he looked back down at Citrine's belly, he noticed that she had placed her hands underneath it, as if preparing to jiggle it. He also heard her giggle mischievously, and then, all of a sudden, his whole world began to bounce up and down, causing him to scream at first, and then start laughing. As if the bouncing sensation wasn't enough, thanks to the mirror, he got to watch Citrine's belly jiggle. All that belly fat bouncing and wobbling around made for one of the most incredible sights Blake had ever seen and he was a little disappointed when it stopped.


"So Blake, you like being jiggled in my big, jiggly belly?" Citrine asked teasingly. Blake was so giddy from what had just happened that he couldn't speak. All he could do was wriggle around happily in his pudgy prison as it continued to gurgle, causing his new girlfriend to chuckle as she enjoyed the sensation his movement provided. "You know, I think you jiggle more than any other bit of my belly," she mused aloud. She noticed a feeling of warmth coming from where Blake was and figured it was him blushing. "Would you like to find out?"


With her left hand, Citrine pressed gently on her belly to hold its left side in place. With her right hand, she made the right side of it jiggle again, much to Blake's delight. After a few seconds, she then swapped, holding the right side still and jiggling the left side. She kept alternating like this for a while, partly to get more data for her experiment, and partly for her own and her boyfriend's amusement.


"Yep," Citrine concluded, "you're definitely the most jiggly bit of my belly. Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle!" She lifted her hand to just below Blake's spot on her belly and gave it a few more bounces.


"Wow, Citrine," Blake said when he finally had enough of his mental faculties to speak, "your belly is amazing!" This was met with another soft chuckle from Citrine - she seemed to love hearing her boyfriend compliment her belly.


"Wanna see what else I can do with it?" Citrine barely even waited for an answer from her boyfriend before sliding her hands to the sides of her belly and squishing them in, causing her belly to bulge out even further than it already was. Then, by moving her hands in and out, she made her belly slosh from side to side. Blake laughed giddily as he enjoyed this ride as well. Not only did it feel incredible, but he also loved the sight of Citrine's big belly shaking from side to side. Even after she stopped, Blake was enjoying himself so much, he couldn't speak for a few seconds.


"Y-y-yes ... Citrine ..." Blake said breathlessly, eagerly anticipating the next fun thing Citrine was going to do with her chubby belly. Suddenly, he noticed the reflection in the mirror getting closer. Citrine was walking right up to her mirror, giving Blake a close-up view of his spot on her belly, and the belly button right next to him. The folds and creases in her skin in that area were now magnified for him! He jumped around excitedly and saw just how much his movements made her belly jiggle.


"You like my belly button, Blake?" Citrine asked in the same playful tone as before. Then, with her fingers, she started kneading her belly fat, making her belly button widen and narrow and move around. Blake was transfixed by his girlfriend's beautiful belly button - so much so that he didn't notice her finger approaching it until it went in. Citrine then started wiggling her finger, pulling her belly button in all sorts of different directions. Blake felt himself getting squished when the belly button moved towards him, getting stretched when it moved away from him, and getting bounced when it moved up and down. But his favourite was when Citrine made her belly button swirl around and around, and him with it.


As Citrine finished playing with her belly, she had just one question for Blake. "So? What do you think?"


"Oh my god," Blake replied, having had so much fun. "Your belly is incredible! It's like the most awesome fairground ride ever! And it looks amazing too!" Citrine couldn't help but giggle at how much her boyfriend adored her belly, as well as the comparison to a fairground ride, and her giggling caused her belly to jiggle slightly.


"Maybe we should do this more often then," Citrine suggested. "You feel so good in my belly, especially when you do your little wriggles. I'm glad I can make you feel good in my belly too." She gave her belly a couple of pats, each one sending ripples through her belly fat, and then she started gently stroking Blake.


"That'd be great," Blake said, blissfully enjoying the feeling of Citrine's fingers rubbing over him. Maybe being part of Citrine's belly wasn't so bad after all.

September 11, 2023