Blake groaned and rubbed his head. His vision started to return when he heard a voice.

"Hey you, finally awake?"

Blake swore he had heard the voice before. He lifted his head and saw he had been teleported atop a large wooden surface. Giant smooth glossy structures surrounded him. As Blake got his bearings, his eyes widened as he realized what he was looking at. A giant keyboard and a headset! Blake turned toward the sound of the voice and saw a giant screen. It was a person bound in a carriage. Blake recognized that intro from anywhere. It was Skyrim! Blake looked around the room to find the player and found her lying on her bed. Blake smiled softly as he gazed at her.

Citrine Stone. She had been a high school crush of his. The two had talked and shared a lot of common interests, but she tended to be very soft-spoken and reclusive. It took Blake two years to even hold a conversation with her that was more than a one-word response. Blake also saw her as very pretty, despite her larger figure. Citrine was a bit on the plush side, sporting a hefty muffin top that poked out of the bottom of her orange tank top and hung over the top of her gray sweatpants. Her portly arms extended downwards in a relaxed position as she held her controller on her abdomen. Citrine was leaning a bit to her left which confused Blake until he saw her hand leave the controller to reach near the other end of the desk he was on to reach into a bag of Cheetos. She withdrew a few pieces, slipped them into her mouth, and began to chew. A soft pleased moan echoed softly through the room. Once she was finished swallowing her mouthful, she slipped her fingers into her mouth to suck off the dust. Once her fingers were "clean," she wiped them onto her tanktop and got back to playing. Blake cringed slightly but shrugged it off. Sure, Citrine was a little bit of a slob as well, but Blake didn't mind.

Blake started to cautiously make his way over towards Citrine, unsure just how to go about getting her attention at this size. How would he accomplish such a task?

May 8, 2023
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