Big and Beefy with an IQ of 0

The Goliaths hand slaps into you at record speed, knocking all the breath you have in your lungs out. This is followed very shortly after by his fingers fully grasping you, his powerful grip squeezing you within an inch of your life. But he's just getting started.


"Hehe... pretty fairy..."


You're unsure how the sleepy giant is able to see you at all in the dark, but you don't really have time to think about the specifics as your tiny body is washed over by his hot damp breath. You struggle against your captor but it's of no use, you have no wiggle room in his grasp, you're completely at his mercy.


"No no no pretty fairy... you're mine now :3"


This Goliath was confusing... how he managed to say an emoticon out loud was beyond you, everything about him was an enigma. But what wasn't confusing was the rancid stench that flooded your nostrils as he raised his arm and forcefully shoved you in his pit. Unfortunately for you, that stench was very, very clear to you.


"Go to sleep little fairy... we'll play when nap time is over... ;3...."


Face to face with his hairy pit you're forced to swallow droplet after droplet of his unholy sweat. His size makes it so even a single strand of pit hair is nearly double your size, and you were shoved into an unruly forest full of them, it was enough to make you cry, but your tears fell upon deaf ears.


The Goliath was satisfied with his discovery, a cute little fairy friend to keep him company, a new pet. He was excited to play with his new toy, but having been woken up from his nap, he was more eager to get back to it.


After making sure his new fairy friend was properly acquainted with his pit, he closed his arm, sealing your fate until he woke up from his nap. The sensations were unbearable. It stunk, it was gross, you could barely breathe, and what you could breathe was exclusively his pit stink. It was hot, it was... soft? It was comforting... and warm... At first your thrashing was desperate, but as the initial panic subsided you found yourself lulled into a sleep in his pit. 

August 27
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