Stepping away from the now-totally-empty office building that had become her lunch, Hazel turned her attention downtown. A few minutes later, after turning another unfathomable quantity of cars and pedestrians into dust under her huge feet, the 200-foot sophomore arrived at San Trasero's central park—a vast, rectangular quad of grass and scattered trees built around a large, somewhat controversial piece of public art. 


The sculpture was a 20-foot-tall column made of a single piece of solid steel, featuring a curiously rounded top and flared base. While the sculptor, a famous modern artist, had dubbed his creation "Monolith," the residents of San Trasero had quickly settled on another moniker: the Dildo. It was here that Hazel next set her sights, eager to follow through on a fantasy she'd harbored as long as she'd known what a "giantess" was.


"There he is," chuckled the buck-toothed giantess, licking her lips. Even after her first and second giant goon seshes of the day, she was already craving another round—and this time, she knew that her hand wouldn't be enough. At her newfound size, the dimensions of The Dildo matched a few of the most ambitious toys in her old collection. In other words, it was the perfect tool to help her get off right now. 


Straddling the sculpture and preparing to ease it into her dripping sex, she could feel her legs shaking with anticipation. All she had to do was crouch down and get to work. 




"Huh?" With her lips just a few tantalizing feet away from the tip of the Dildo, Hazel was not expecting anything to take her out of the zone—but the megaphoned voice behind her was hard to ignore. 




Turning around and identifying the source of the voice, the giantess scowled. In the time since she'd gotten into the park, every exit had been blockaded with military vehicles—including two dozen tanks and several idling attack helicopters. "Can we do this in, like, ten minutes?" Idly rubbing her clit to keep herself ready to fuck, she rolled her eyes. "I'm kinda in the middle of something here."


Unfortunately, the voice — which seemed to be coming from one of the tanks by the park's main entrance — had no interest in cooperating. "STEP AWAY FROM THE MONUMENT AND PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HEAD."


Listening from his perch in Hazel's ass, Max felt a distinct pang of uncertainty—the same kind he'd felt upon first waking up in the House Proserpina common room seven days ago. Based on the number of heavy-duty vehicles outside, it sounded like the National Guard had come prepared with enough artillery to stop Hazel for good—but if there was one thing he'd learned from spending a week at her mercy, she was never to be underestimated.


"Five minutes?" Hazel sighed. "C'mon!"


Rather than repeating their instructions, the tank leading the task force responded by firing a warning shot—aimed squarely at The Dildo. With a single well-placed heavy-caliber shell, the entire column was reduced to a scrap heap. Watching this happen, the giantess standing over the sculpture gasped. "What the... seriously?! I was about to fuck that thing!"


"THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING." Rolling forward a few feet, the lead tank leveled its gun at Hazel. "SURRENDER NOW OR PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED." 


For a moment, Hazel was silent. "Y'know..." Her scowl deepened. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's getting cock-blocked." She took a step toward the tanks. "So... which one of you is gonna help me get off now?" 


Recognizing that the 200-foot-tall girl in front of them had no interest in negotiation, the tanks and helicopters began to fire at will—a mix of high-caliber cannons and missiles, unloading round after round at the giant, visibly-addled monster for at least a minute straight. By the military's usual standards, this kind of all-out barrage was far from conventional. Still, desperate times called for desperate measures—and in the face of an opponent like this, they knew they couldn't be too careful in shooting to kill. 


By the time the task force leader finally gave the order to cease, their whole position was covered by a thick wall of smoke. At least thirty seconds went by in relative silence, leading many soldiers to believe their job was done. A few even began preemptively cheering and celebrating victory over the giantess. Then the smoke began to clear, and their cheers gave way to groans of disbelief. After everything they'd thrown at Hazel, she was still standing—without a single scratch. 


"That's the best you've got?" Sticking her butt out in the direction of the largest cluster of troops and vehicles, Hazel scoffed. "Alright. My turn." 


Still trapped in the giant gooner's ass, hearing her vast digestive system gurgling to life again and then feeling her equally vast pucker tensing up, Max grimaced. The soldiers on the ground clearly had no idea who they were messing with. 




For Max, Hazel's latest fart was enough to knock him out cold—which, after all the farts he'd absorbed as her assistant to date, was really saying something. For those on the ground, it was nothing short of biblical—an overpowering wall of sulfuric force that shattered windows, flipped tanks and downed helicopters, leaving nothing standing in its wake. Some soldiers were sent flying a dozen feet off the ground. Others were left gasping for breath on their knees. When the dust settled, the only sounds were the muffled coughs, gags and groans of defeat.


"You guys are so dramatic." Sniffing the air smugly, Hazel chuckled. "This is nothing. You should see me after I have Mexican food!" 


Watching the few soldiers still clinging to consciousness struggling to unpack the limited quantity of biohazard gear they'd brought along in case of emergency, the giantess grinned. One by one, they were dropping like flies—and even those who managed to strap themselves into gas masks and HAZMAT suits quickly realized they still weren't safe. Her fumes were simply too strong. In a matter of minutes, the entire task force had stopped moving—leaving Hazel free and clear to have her way with them. 


Gathering up two heaping handfuls of soldiers in her arms and settling down in the center of the wreckage, the huge, horny giantess quickly began making up for lost gooning time. Half of her victims were pressed into service as sex toys. The other half became her second big meal of the day. While she was still feeling full from gorging herself on office workers a few minutes before, she was never one to pass up a snack in the heat of passion. Soon enough, she'd polished off every last one—but she could already hear more helicopters approaching in the distance. 


"What's this?" Staring up at the half-dozen flying machines starting to circle overhead, she grinned. Unlike the heavy-duty choppers the military had shown up with, these looked much smaller and more civilian—and the lettering on the sides made her think that most were some variety of news organization. "You guys here for an interview? Here's my first statement."




As the bottom-heavy giantess shifted her hips to one side for another absent-minded fart, the helicopters idled back to avoid the resulting fumes. Seeing this, Hazel giggled. "Alright, alright, I'm just kidding. Here's my real statement..." 

September 12
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