"Well..." Hazel grinned. "If these numbers are right, this serum might respond to another thing I've been working on... a growth serum for girls."


"Y-you mean, like..." Max swallowed hard. "A serum to make normal-size girls bigger?"


"Way bigger," breathed Hazel, already getting worked up again just thinking about it. "Like, thirty or forty times bigger."


"Oh," said Max, trying not to shudder. At six feet tall, Hazel was a lot. He could barely imagine what she'd be like at fifty, let alone two hundred.


"Yeah," said Hazel, slipping a hand back down to her dripping sex. "Cool, huh?"


"I..." Max hesitated. While the idea of Hazel turning herself into some kind of massive, horny giantess didn't exactly inspire optimistic thoughts, seven excruciating days in her care had left him very open to exploring alternative methods of getting back to normal. "Y-yeah, I guess. Would it be any faster than making a new antidote?"


"I mean, I've already got a couple samples in the fridge." Already, Hazel was plugging more calculations into her computer. "It's meant for girls, but it should work on you, now that you've got the other serum in your system. Juuust need to run a couple more simulations to make sure doesn't, y'know, kill you or anything."


"G-gotcha," said Max, unsure how this was supposed to inspire any confidence on his part. "Is... is there anything I can do to help?" 


The buck-toothed gooner's grin returned. "I thought you'd never ask, miniguy. Lemme get you back to work."


Feeling Hazel's sticky hand wrapping itself around him again, Max suppressed the urge to groan. He should have known better than to ask a question like this—after a week as her "assistant," there was clearly only one answer.




Another hour and several more messy orgasms later, Hazel's due diligence was complete. For Max, it had been hell. Swallowed whole by his captor's giant, greedy vagina in a matter of minutes, then subsequently trapped with his face pressed right up against her cervix for the rest of her super-sized goon session, he'd swallowed an ungodly quantity of discharge every time she came. When she finally pulled him out, he was barely conscious—but too full of newfound hope to give up now.


"Nice work, miniguy," giggled Hazel, bringing the three-inch-tall freshman up to her lips and licking him a few times to get an extra taste of herself. "Now, you ready to make some history?"


As much as Max disliked the sound of that, he knew what he had to say if he wanted to end this nightmare. "Y-yeah, let's do it."


"Good," said Hazel, swiveling her chair over to the visibly dirty mini-fridge beside her mattress. Opening the door and clearing a few Monster cans and a half-eaten burrito out of the way, she plucked out a small tray of vials filled with glowing green liquid. "Let's start with you."


As Hazel brought the comparatively huge container to Max's lips, he wasted no time drinking as much as he could. The serum was easily the worst thing he'd ever tasted — harsh and bitter, with an immediate chemical aftertaste that only worsened with every sip — but he forced himself to keep going. Soon, he told himself, this would all be a strange, unpleasant memory. 


"There you go." Setting her shrunken assistant on the floor at her feet, Hazel giggled. "Alright. Any minute now."


True to her word, Max was already feeling the serum starting to kick in. His head was pounding, every muscle in his body was on fire, and his heart felt like it was about to explode. Then, his vision began to blur. In another few seconds, he was out cold. 






When Max woke up, someone was sitting on his face—someone with a very big, very soft, very dirty butt, not unlike Hazel's. The fart that roused him from unconsciousness smelled suspiciously like one of hers, too. The only problem was that this woman was his size. Maybe a little bigger, especially around the hips and thighs, but not a giant like his buck-toothed captor. 


"Ooo," giggled the bottom-heavy woman who'd just farted on him, sensing his struggles and rolling her jiggling rump off of his head, "he's awake!" 


When his eyes adjusted to the room's harsh gamer lighting, Max gasped. The woman who'd been sitting on him was, in fact, Hazel—now, only a few inches taller than him!


"It worked," he breathed, looking around the space that had become his prison for the last seven days. "Holy shit." 


"Yeah," said Hazel, leaning down and stroking the stunned freshman's chest. "Pretty fast, too. Listen, before we do me... maybe we can do a little celebrating?" 


Meeting the gaze of the woman who'd just turned him into her full-time butt toy, Max knew his answer immediately. Before Hazel could say more, he sprung up and rushed over to the door, grabbing a dirty pair of sweatpants and a shirt from the floor on the way. Behind him, the genius gooner almost looked upset—but that didn't stop him from breaking into a full sprint down the hall, past a very surprised Daisy and several other big, smelly femcels he'd probably narrowly avoided getting trapped with forever. A minute later, he was back outside, filling his lungs with fresh air for the first time in a week. 


Finally free from the torments of House Proserpina, Max's mind buzzed with possibilities. First, he had to get back to his room and let everyone know he was alright. Then, he'd find out who shrank him and press charges. Then, and only then, he would resume the collegiate life he'd been looking forward to all this time... but before he could do any of that, a huge rumbling noise from the direction of the Loser House almost like some kind of controlled demolition  stopped him dead in his tracks. 


When Max turned around, his jaw dropped. Just when he thought he'd escaped one living nightmare, he appeared to be entering another. Standing behind him, looming over the fresh wreckage of House Proserpina like some kind of all-powerful deity, was a 200-foot-tall giantess—and she looked exactly like Hazel.


"Oh, no," whimpered Max, falling to his knees in sheer despair.


"Oh, yeah," said Hazel, locking onto her assistant and grinning.


While every fiber of Max's being was telling him to flee, he found himself completely frozen with awe. Every time Hazel took a step, the ground shook—and so did every inch of her colossal, naked figure. If the giant horny genius wasn't so clearly dead-set on re-capturing him, he would have found her mountainous, jiggling curves undeniably hot. As it was, though, her presence inspired the same strange mix of fear and arousal that had been his reality since last Saturday. The only difference now was that everyone else at school was in the same boat.


As the rest of Ventus began to see, hear, and smell what was happening, the quad filled with panicked students and faculty. Staring up at the hulking female kaiju towering over every building on campus, most responded with a mix of blind terror and disbelief. Some screamed, others cried. Many simply took one look at her and, quite wisely, began running in the opposite direction. For Hazel, this was exactly the reception she'd been looking for—a scene straight out of her favorite hentai, made real.




"Ahhh," giggled the buck-toothed giantess, stepping up to Max with her hands on her hips and grinning as she watched him — and everyone else in range — start to cough and gag on her latest fart. "There you are. Thought I lost ya!"


"S-sorry," stammered Max, trying to accept the reality of what was happening without having a complete nervous breakdown. "I just really wanted to get back to my room and-"


Before Max could finish trying to talk himself away from Hazel, the giantess scooped him up the way a normal-sized person might pick up a paperclip. "You didn't think I was gonna let you off the hook that easy, did you?" Raising him to her face, she smiled—undeniably warmly despite her newly even more imposing size. "I mean, you're, like, the best assistant I've ever had! No one's ever made me cum like you!"


While Max didn't appreciate her saying this in public, he knew he had much larger problems to worry about at the moment. "O-oh, uh... thanks, I guess. I mean, I'm happy to keep in touch, but I was kinda hoping to, just, y'know. Relax? Let everyone know I'm alright?"


"Right now?" Hazel shook her head. "I don't know, miniguy." She wiggled her eyebrows. "I mean, we've still got some celebrating to do, don't we?"


Back in the hands of his giant captor, at a far more humiliating and unsettling scale than before, all Max could do was limply nod.

September 7
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