"C-cum?" Max swallowed hard. At 18, he'd still never even kissed a girl—and now, through some truly bizarre sequence of events, Veronica was expecting him to bring her to orgasm!


"Yes," said Veronica, wiggling her big, brown, sweaty booty in his tiny face. "Cum. You do know girls cum too, don't you, Max?"


"I... y-yeah." Still struggling to avoid suffocating under the voluptuous dorm mother's overwhelming bulk, forming a coherent sentence took significant effort. "W-well... I-it might be easier if you, uh... put me... y'know. Up front?"


Veronica chuckled. "You mean my vagina?"


"Uh... yeah," said the three-inch-tall freshman, wincing. "Th-that."


The giant dorm mother's chuckle became a laugh—the same kind Max had gotten from the few girls he'd worked up the courage to ask out in high school.


"You really think you deserve to pleasure me like that?" Reaching a hand back, the statuesque giantess inched her tiny captive even closer to her colossal asshole. "How about you focus on making me cum like this. And then, if you're really good, maybe you can work your way 'up front.'"


"O-okay." Staring down the huge, visibly dirty pucker in front of him, Max shuddered. Then, trying his best not to think too hard about the circumstances surrounding his current situation, or the fact that his only hope of ever returning to normal was the giant, incredibly horny amazon currently threatening his life, he closed his eyes and started licking. As his tongue made contact with Veronica's huge, wrinkled sphincter, the taste was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before—and entirely in a bad way. 




Feeling another colossal fart rippling out into his face, Max resisted the urge to gag. The smell was even worse than before—and this time, he'd had his mouth open for it. Above him, he could hear Veronica chuckling.


"You're not giving up that easily, are you?" The amazonian chemist sighed. "I was just getting warmed up."


"N-no!" Max stammered, forcing himself back against Veronica's rancid hole. "S-sorry, Veronica!"


Resuming his efforts, Max racked his brain, trying to remember everything he'd learned about pleasing women from his extensive browsing history. Unfortunately, the only porn he'd ever watched starred regular-sized people, and if there was any strategy to eating ass as a shrunken guy, he didn't have it. At his newfound size, the giant dorm mother's asshole was roughly the size of a manhole cover — far too big for his tiny tongue to easily pleasure — within a minute or two, he was already getting sore.


"Is that the best you've got?" Again, Veronica sighed. "I can't feel a thing back there."


"N-no... I'm," said Max, stopping to catch his breath. "Just... need a second."


"I see." Shaking her head, the voluptuous chemist brought a hand back between her cheeks. "Maybe you just need a little... motivation."


"W-wait!" As he felt Veronica's fingers wrapping around him again, Max began struggling more frantically than ever. She seemed to be forcing him even deeper into her ass! "I'm good! You don't have to-"


"But I want to," said Veronica, forcing the tiny freshman's head up into her anus.


Beneath her, Max was in hell—and no matter how much he tried to resist, Veronica's asshole refused to yield. As he felt it wrapping around his head, then his torso, then his legs, surrounding him with warm, slimy, foul-smelling darkness, he got a surge of unshakeable dread. It was almost like it had a mind of its own... and it was very, very hungry.


Within a few seconds, he was completely trapped inside Veronica's ass. Meanwhile, his captor remained unimpressed. After a lifetime of exclusively getting off by herself, Max's attempts to pleasure her were thoroughly underwhelming—and his involuntary struggles inside her weren't much better.


"Max." She scowled. "Are you trying to fail this test?"


"P-please..." Despite his protests, Max's resolve was quickly fading. His entire body was enveloped in an overwhelmingly foul odor, and every attempt to free himself only seemed to pull him deeper into the depths of the massive horny amazon's rectum. "Veronica, I..."


Feeling her tiny captive's struggles finally cease, Veronica rolled her eyes. While she'd hoped to get at least one good orgasm out of her new shrunken plaything, his first attempt at ass-play wasn't anything like what she'd been hoping for. More than anything else, Max's attempts to please her — and escape her — just felt pathetic.




When Max finally regained consciousness, he was being forced out of his hot, dark, foul-smelling prison and into the open aironly to land rather unceremoniously in a huge, frigid pool of water surrounded by sloping white walls. Struggling to the surface and wiping his eyes, he quickly realized where he was: Veronica's toilet.




As the toilet bowl filled with the smell of Veronica's latest fart, Max couldn't help feeling lucky that this was the only thing joining him in the water. 


"Well, Max," said the giant dorm mother, still seated firmly above him. "Good news and bad news. The bad news is, I'm afraid you failed your first test."


"W-wait!" pleaded Max, teeth chattering. "Please! Let me try again... I can do better!"


"After that performance?" Veronica chuckled. "I don't think so... but you didn't let me tell you the good news."

"G-good news?" Right now, Max had his doubts that they shared the same definition of the term.

Standing up and glancing down at her tiny captive, Veronica looked even more intimidating than ever. "The good news is, you just survived an entire hour up my ass and you're still alive. Which makes me think you might not be half bad as a test subject." 


"A test subject?!" Struggling to tread water, the terrified shrunken freshman's eyes went wide. "F-for what?"


"Just a few experiments I've been running in my spare time." Veronica smiled. "Nothing major."


With no other choice, Max decided to risk one more question. "A-and then you'll help me get back to normal?"


"Maybe." Veronica shrugged. "Alternatively, I could just flush you."


Max was frozen—literally and metaphorically. While he'd managed to hold on to some semblance of hope until now, the idea of being the subject of the giant dorm mother's kinky science experiments was starting to sound more like a death sentence than a second chance. Then again, the alternative was drowning in her toilet.


"I..." Utterly broken, with no other apparent choice, Max let out a long sigh of defeat. "Alright, fine, I'll do it."


"Good." Grinning, Veronica reached toward the tiny freshman and plucked him out of the water. "You know... something tells me this is the start of a very productive relationship..."

July 25
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