"Oh, fuck," whispered Max, staring up at the voluptuous dark-skinned amazon in the doorway. Of all the women to find him here like this, Veronica was the last one he'd hoped to see. 

At Max's newly diminished size, the huge, striking 32-year-old dorm mother looked like nothing short of a goddess. Wearing her usual uniform of a tight white collared shirt, equally tight black pleated skirt, stockings and pumps, every inch of her curvaceous figure was bursting at the seams with raw feminine power. Of course, the three-inch-tall freshman knew he was playing a dangerous game by looking at her like this—or being here at all. Among Ventus's undergrads, especially males, Veronica was infamous as one of the school's most unforgivingly hard-ass disciplinarians.


As she stepped into the room, she seemed to scan the space like a Terminator—and when she locked onto Max, she frowned.

"Well, well, well." Adjusting her classes, Veronica scowled. "What do we have here?"

"Uh... hi!" The shrunken freshman waved awkwardly. "V-Veronica, right? My name's Max. We met at the STEM information session a couple weeks ago, remember?"

"Max?" For a moment, the statuesque chemist looked like she was still trying to process what she was seeing. Then, her face hardened. "Ah, yes. You were the one who couldn't stop staring at my chest. And now you're doing it again."

"W-what?!" Max shook his head, already feeling sweat forming on his neck. "N-no! I mean-"

"Save your breath," said Veronica, stepping up to the table. "Are you aware that entering this dormitory without a female chaperone as a male student is an offense punishable by expulsion? To say nothing of your... dress code violations."

"Y-yes," said Max, remembering his nakedness and cupping both hands over his groin. "The thing is, I can't remember anything about how I got here. I just woke up like this."

Veronica's scowl deepened. "You really expect me to believe that?"

"It's true!" Max implored, slowly backing away—only for Veronica to stoop down and snatch him up in her hand. "H-hang on, what are you-"

"You," said Veronica, effortlessly plucking the tiny freshman off the table, "are coming with me."

"W-wait!! Please!" As much as Max squirmed in her powerful grasp, it was clearly no use. "This isn't my fault; you've got to believe me!" 


Already halfway down the hall toward her room, Veronica shook her head. "I told you to save your breath."

"P-please!" Max struggled harder. "I'll do anything!"

Veronica smirked. "That's what I'm counting on."

The few times Max had glimpsed the amazonian dorm mother of House Minerva around campus, she'd always struck him as the picture of composure. But as she carried him into her room and locked the door, she seemed uncharacteristically excited. Breathing heavily, her face flushed and her nipples visibly erect through her crisp white shirt, she was clearly looking forward to whatever punishment she had planned for him.

Looking around the room from his place in her hand, Max saw nothing reassuring. The walls were covered in posters featuring giant, voluptuous anime women dominating tiny, scrawny men, her desk was stacked with smutty books and comics with titles like "My Shrunken Lover" and "Giant Girls, Tiny Guys, Vol. 2," and the nightstand by her bed hosted a sprawling collection of sex toys—many of which appeared to be molded in the shape of doll-sized men in a variety of subservient-looking positions.

"You know," said Veronica, her voice unsettlingly husky, "you're the first shrunken guy I've ever seen in real life."

"Oh! R-really?" Feeling the warmth of the horny dorm mother's breath from his perch on her hand, Max gulped. "S-so you know how I ended up like this?"

"There are a few ways it could have happened," she said, nodding. "Serums, pills, powders."

"So there's a way to undo this?" Max forced a smile. "T-that's great!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself there." Veronica grinned. "We still haven't discussed your punishment."

Before Max could ask what she meant, he found himself being set down on Veronica's bed as the giant dorm mother began unbuttoning her shirt. After tossing the garment aside, she unhooked her bra and peeled it off, exposing her massive, full breasts. Then, if this wasn't already an overwhelming enough sight to her 18-year-old virgin captive, she turned around and slipped out of her skirt—immediately followed by her underwear.

"Like what you see?" cooed Veronica, turning back around and looming her big, bouncy butt and dripping pussy over Max.

"Y-yeah," said Max, blushing. 

Veronica chuckled. "I had a feeling you'd say that."

Without another word, the giant amazon slammed her colossal ass down on top of the three-inch-tall freshman, burying him in a sea of warm, soft, slightly sweaty flesh. It probably would have felt more pleasant at regular size, but now, it was something else entirely—an intense barrage of pressure, heat, and most of all, smell.

"Mmm..." Veronica moaned, her voice shaky with pleasure. "Max, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

"Veronica... p-please..." Beneath the voluptuous dorm mother's vast rump, Max's voice was barely a whisper. "I... I can't breathe down here!" 

"Oh, how inconsiderate of me." Veronica squeezed her cheeks together even tighter, making Max's struggles even more intense. "Let me give you some air..."


As Veronica let out a long, bassy fart, Max's mind was reeling. Buried under her buttocks, surrounded by overpowering heat and stink, there was nothing he could do to escape her gas—and after several lungfuls, he felt like he was going to throw up.

"Ahh..." Veronica bit her lip, savoring the frantic motions of the tiny man under her butt. "That's better. Now... I'm afraid I wasn't entirely honest with you a few minutes ago. The punishment for entering this dormitory without a female chaperone can be expulsion... but it's up to the acting dorm mother to decide whether that's necessary."

With his face pressed against Veronica's massive, hairy asshole, Max's voice was small and muffled—but still managed to make it up to his giant captor's ears. "Wh-what are you saying?"

Again, Veronica grinned. "I'm saying, I've decided to handle your punishment myself. And if you can show me that you've learned your lesson, I might even consider helping you get back to normal."

"R-really?!" Again, the shrunken freshman's voice was almost unintelligible.

"Sure," said the giant dorm mother, her fingers tracing the outline of her pussy. "But that's a big 'if.'"

"W-whatever I have to do," whimpered Max. "I'll do it. Please!"

"That's the spirit." Veronica licked her lips. "Here's your first test: make me cum."

July 22
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