One year later...




As usual, Max woke up to his goddess's ass expelling a fresh gust of morning gas in his tiny face. It was a relatively small fart for her, but a fart nevertheless—and thus a gift, worthy of his gratitude. Knowing what was expected of him, he pressed his tiny face against her huge, rancid asshole and began to frantically plaster it with kisses.


"Mmm," purred Rosa. Reclining on her stomach, draped in the luxuriously soft silk sheets of the king-sized bed in her Beverly Hills villa, she was the epitome of power and opulence. "Bom dia, pequeno. I didn't say stop, though…"


Feeling his goddess playfully clenching her cheeks around his tiny form — and knowing what else those cheeks could do to him if he started getting any funny ideas about disobeying her again — he pressed his face even deeper against her giant, warm, sweaty, brown hole.


"That's better," said Rosa, grabbing her phone from its charging place on her nightstand and idly scrolling through her notifications. "My, my, look what day it is! Happy anniversary, pequeno."


Behind her, all Max could do was keep kissing. He'd lost track of time long ago, his mind and body worn down from unending months of his goddess's relentless domination.


"Oh, look at that!" Giving her cheeks another clench around her butt slave, Rosa cooed with delight. "Zeke's taking Zoe to a concert for their anniversary next weekend." Exhaling contentedly, she set the phone back down. "Que doce! The only question now is how long he's gonna wait to pop the question..."


Face still pressed firmly against the giant MILF's equally giant pucker, Max couldn't help sighing. Shortly after Rosa had turned him into her full-time butt slave, she'd been delighted to inform him that her daughter had started dating his old roommate. In just a few short weeks, the two seemed to be madly in love—to the point that Zeke even joined Zoe and Rosa for Christmas down in LA.


"Mmm... such a fine young man," said Rosa, smirking. "And handsome, too! Don't you agree, pequeno?"


Again, Max just gritted his teeth and kept kissing his goddess's pillowy asshole. The first few times she had brought him out in Zoe's presence during her daughter's visits back home, his former classmate still seemed pretty uncomfortable with the whole situation. She'd shoot him sympathetic looks whenever her mother wasn't looking and often pushed her to go easier on her new "servo,"... but by the end of the semester, she seemed to be getting used to it. Soon enough, whenever Zoe caught Rosa peeling him out of her shoe after a run or dropping him into the back of her underwear on the way out to dinner, she'd just roll her eyes and laugh like it was all some big family inside joke. Zeke seemed to find the whole thing just as hilarious, too.


It was like none of them even saw him as a human being anymore. To add insult to copious injury, when Max's family finally tracked him down a few weeks after the New Year, they were so disgusted by what they found that they decided to let his goddess keep him. In retrospect, that was the final blow to his already fragile sense of self-worth: the moment he realized the world was still going without him and he was never going back.




"Ufa!" Rosa chuckled, giving her hips a playful shake. "Hold on, pequeno... I think there's more where that came from!"


As another of his goddess's farts rushed into his face, Max simply closed his eyes and resumed his duties. The last twelve months had been an endless cycle of gas, sweat, and several even more unpleasant things... but deep down, some part of him was starting to accept it. Whether he liked it or not, he was finally free from all his foolish, doomed fantasies about the "best four years of his life." Now, he knew with absolute certainty that there wouldn't be any more college parties or cute young girls in his future. He'd never have a girlfriend, or a job, or a career, or a family. His whole world was his goddess's ass—and as long as he did as he was told, he knew she'd take care of the rest.


...Try again?

July 14
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