"Oh, crap," whispered Zoe, looking down at her tiny classmate and wincing. "I think that's my mom!"
"Your mom?" said Max, eyes widening.
"It's Parents' Weekend, remember?"
"That's this weekend?" Max groaned. "Shit..."
"Yeah..." Hearing another knock at the door, Zoe grimaced. "I thought she wasn't coming until tomorrow."
"Querida?" The voice behind the door sounded increasingly impatient—and unaccustomed to being kept waiting. "Você está aí?"
"Uh, u-um segondo, Mamãe!” Turning back to Max, the bespectacled freshman blushed again. "I'm really sorry, dude, but I think you gotta go back in my pants for a sec."
Still shaking off his brief imprisonment in Zoe's ass, Max took a step back from the edge of the desk. "You're that worried about your mom seeing me?"
"She's just very…" Remembering all the potential boyfriends and first loves that her overbearing mother had already scared away from her back in high school, Zoe sighed. "Demanding. Especially with guys." She allowed her eyes to wander below her tiny classmate's waist, long enough for him to notice. "Also, you're naked."
"Oh," said Max, looking down and instinctively cupping his hands back over his groin. "Right."
"Yeah." Zoe giggled. "I dunno if this is the best way for you to meet her."
"I-isn't there somewhere else you could put me? Like, a drawer or something?"
"I..." Zoe hesitated. Then, before she could do anything to hide her tiny classmate, the door swung open behind them — the heavy-duty doorknob and lock kicked clean through — and her hulking, 6'5", 350-pound mother stepped into the room. Ducking behind Zoe's laptop, Max swallowed hard.
If Zoe was curvy, her mother, Rosa, was on a completely different level. A multi-millionaire retiree at 42 after a highly-lucrative two-decade career as Rio De Janeiro's most in-demand professional dominatrix, the Afro-Brazilian bombshell still positively glowed with raw feminine power — from her proud, regal face to her huge, Q-cup breasts to her couch-flattening ass — and her current outfit of a low-cut red cashmere sweater, tight black leather designer jeans and red stiletto heels did nothing to hide it. From the three-inch freshman's shrunken perspective, she looked like nothing short of an all-powerful goddess—and not a terribly merciful one.
"Zoe Maria Cruz!" said Rosa, hands on her hips. "Onde você estava?!"
"Oh, uh, olá Mamãe!" said Zoe, smiling awkwardly. "Desculpe-me, eu..."
"Don't you 'desculpe' me, querida." Crossing her thick, muscular arms, Rosa scowled. "Did you see my texts? I was waiting downstairs for an hour before your dorm mother told me you were still in your room."
"S-sorry." Shrinking under her intimidating mother's intense glare, the blue-haired freshman smiled sheepishly. "I had a pretty late night, I guess I slept through my alarms."
"Up late studying, I assume?" Scanning the empty cans and half-finished coursework littering Zoe's desk, Rosa's scowl became a frown. "You know this school isn't cheap. Just because you don't have loans, it doesn't mean you can slack off. I didn't spend twenty years working my bunda off for you to..." When her eyes fell upon the tiny, naked young man hiding behind her daughter's laptop, she stopped. "What in the..."
"What?" Following her mother's gaze to her desk, Zoe blushed bright crimson. "OH! That's Max. He's just-"
"Just what?" Stepping up and leaning over the desk, Rosa eyed the shrunken freshman like an errant bug. "Is he the reason you slept in?"
By this point, it was abundantly clear to Max that whatever happened from here was thoroughly beyond his control. Standing in the shadow of the buxom Brazilian MILF, all he could do was try to avoid staring at her truly colossal breasts. Compared to her, his cute, curvy classmate was just some kind of minor demigoddess.
"N-no! H-he's just a friend!" Beside her mother, Zoe seemed to be doing her best to de-escalate. "I-it's not what it looks like-"
"Do you think I'm stupid, querida?" Eyes fixed on Max, Rosa shook her head. "You think I don't know what it means when a girl your age has a naked man in her room? A naked pequeno?"
Before Zoe could react, her mother reached down and snatched Max up in one of her huge, immaculately manicured hands. Stunned by the feeling of being picked up by yet another giant woman, Max could barely muster the strength to struggle as the towering Brazilian matriarch brought him up to her heavily made-up face.
"You know how many of my old clients used to pay me to do stuff like this?" Ignoring her daughter's increasingly desperate attempts to grab away the tiny man in her hands, Rosa cocked a perfectly-threaded eyebrow and drew him even closer. "How many guys like this I've had up my bunda over the years? Enough to know they're nothing but a bunch of pervertidos!"
"Mom!" Zoe covered her ears, trying not to picture her mother performing any such acts. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to hear about your... hang on, did you say you've seen guys like this before?"
"Of course!" Rosa scoffed. "It's just shrinking serum. The good stuff, too, from the look of it."
"P-please," stammered Max, "Mrs. Cruz, I-I know what this looks like, but…"
"It's just Miss Cruz," offered Zoe, still trying to defuse her mother's fiery temper. "Her and my dad don't-"
"He can speak for himself," said Rosa, still focused on her daughter's apparent tiny beau. "So, tell me, pequeno. If it's not what it looks like, what were you doing in here with my Zo-Zo?"
"I-I was just trying to find someone who could help me get big again," said Max, holding his breath as the massive woman brought him closer to her full lips. "I… y-you've got to believe me. I woke up like this in the common room, Zoe came in and offered to bring me back to her room. Then you came in. That's it. B-but if you know what this stuff is, maybe-"
"Que merda." Rosa rolled her eyes. "If I had a nickel for every time I heard that one... I'd have, what, ten dollars?"
"He's telling the truth, Mom." Zoe frowned.
"And you believe this?" Rosa sighed. "Querida, I love you, but you're so naive sometimes. This little estranho dosed himself, and now he's in here trying to get in your pants!"
Once again, Zoe couldn't help blushing. "Mom! That's not, h-he's not..."
"Silêncio." The voluptuous Brazilian mother held up a finger. "Zoe Maria, you might not realize it right now, but your mama is about to save you from making a big mistake."
"W-what are you going to do with-" Before Zoe could finish, Rosa hiked down her pants, lowered Max over her cavernous asscrack—and then dropped him in!
"MOM!" Watching her tiny classmate disappear into her imposing mother's rump, the blue-haired freshman went redder than ever. "What are you doing?!"
"What does it look like?" Rosa scoffed. "I'm giving him exactly what he wants."
For Max, the experience of being trapped between the giant woman's huge, maternal cheeks was beyond overwhelming. He was surrounded by warm, smooth, sweaty, stinky flesh, and every time he struggled, it just seemed to pull him deeper. It was like her ass had a gravity all her own—and he had just entered her inescapable orbit.
"Oh, !" moaned Rosa, hiking her pants back up and feeling her tiny captive movements growing more and more frantic. It had been several years since the last time she'd done any "size-play"—and she'd forgotten how much she used to love it. "Meu Deus, he's a feisty one!"
"Mom!" Zoe was horrified. "T-that's… you can't do that to him!"
"Don't worry, querida." The curvaceous, mature woman offered her daughter a knowing smirk. "I'll be gentle. Gentler than he'd have been with you, at least."
From Max's perilous position in Rosa's ass, the sound of her fart alone was almost deafening—and the smell was even worse. Clearly, her colossal rump wasn't just for show, and the digestive system attached to it was a thing of raw and terrible power. As he felt the rancid remains of the giant MILF's breakfast soaking into his lungs, he tried to convince himself that this was better than suffocating—but the more he breathed, the harder that was to believe. Still, with no way out of her huge, planet-sized cheeks, he could only sit back and accept it.
"Whew!" Rosa giggled. "Perdoe-me!"
"Mom! Eww!" Covering her nose and mouth, Zoe backed toward the door. "P-please let him out—h-he's gonna suffocate down there!"
Seeing the look of clear distress on her daughter's face, Rosa softened her gaze. "Querida, listen. Your little friend will be just fine. I used to do this for a living, remember? I know exactly how much he can take down there." Giving her ass a playful slap and feeling her tiny captive struggle again, the giant former dominatrix smiled. "Really, he'll be much better off with me."
"B-but," Zoe stammered, "what about getting him back to normal?"
"Well," Rosa chuckled, "That's the thing. He's not going back to normal. Not with whatever he got dosed with."
Hearing this, wedged deep between the voluptuous giantess's cheeks, Max felt his heart sink. If what Zoe's mom said was true, he was going to be stuck like this forever. Worse, he was going to be stuck like THIS—trapped in Rosa's ass. He'd known her less than fifteen minutes, and already, he could see no end to her cruelty.
Zoe looked similarly distraught, although she had a lot more experience dealing with her mom's immovable negotiation style—and as much as she didn't want to admit it, part of her was already starting to come to terms with where this was going. "W-what are you going to do with him, then?"
Rosa smirked. "Take him home, of course!"
"Oh…" Zoe's face fell.
"Oh, querida, it's okay." Leaning down, the imposing mother wrapped her considerably smaller daughter up in a big, warm hug. "I know you're upset, but you're not here to look after some shrunken pervertido."
"Shhh." Rosa patted her daughter's head. "Trust me. Someday, you're gonna thank me for this. Now..."
Stepping back and waving a hand in front of her face, the buxom amazon chuckled. "Where's your banheiro?"
Watching her mother smugly sauntering out of her room, leaving her alone with the remains of her latest fart, all Zoe could do was sigh. Maybe, if she'd been able to introduce her first collegiate crush under better circumstances, this whole situation could have played out differently. Of course, she knew there was no sense in getting stuck on that now. What Rosa wanted, Rosa got—and today, the thing she'd wanted was Max.
July 14
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