

Max couldn't believe his luck. Of all the girls to find him like this, Maddie was probably the best-case scenario. At a school like Ventus, the blonde-haired, green-eyed, freckle-faced stoner often felt like a one-woman island of normalcy—and while the two of them hadn't spoken much beyond small talk, he knew she'd never mean him any harm. Most of the time, her vibe was that of a friendly neighbor whose house you could stop by whenever you needed to borrow something. Especially if that something happened to be weed.


Unfortunately, the Maddie standing before him still seemed to be sleeping off the effects of one of her usual late-night smoking binges—and judging by the unmistakable tint in her eyes, she'd already decided to extend that binge into this morning. A faint haze of skunk followed her into the room, and when she glanced over at the coffee table, she didn't seem to register his presence at all. Instead, he saw her tired, bloodshot eyes settle on a pack of rolling papers on the couch behind him.


"Hey, Maddie!"


At the sound of his voice, Maddie seemed totally unfazed. Only then did Max notice the AirPods in her ears.


"Fuck," he sighed, shaking his head. So far, his neighbor wasn't exactly making this easy for him.


Without another look in his direction, the giant stoner staggered past the coffee table and headed straight toward the couch. Beneath her usual faded, oversized green USD sweatshirt and a pair of loose-fitting brown sweatpants, her chubby, curvy body jiggled pleasantly with every step. If Max hadn't been so preoccupied with getting her attention, it would have been a sight to behold.


Knowing that trying to call out to Maddie was off the table, the shrunken freshman decided his best course of action would be to get himself back into her current field of view—and since the coffee table was currently sitting at an angle to the couch in question, it wasn't too much of a challenge for him to rush over and leap across the half-inch gap between the vast pieces of furniture. 


Making the jump and landing on the couch with a soft thud, he quickly got up and sprinted toward the rolling papers—but when he reached the spot where the small cardboard tube had been, his giant neighbor had already picked it up. Then, a vast, butt-shaped shadow fell over him, and his eyes went wide.


"N-No... Maddie, WAIT-"


All of a sudden, he found himself buried under Maddie's ample rump. On the one hand, as a lifelong virgin whose number one goal in college was finding a girlfriend, the experience of being under a giant girl's ass was nothing short of thrilling for Max. On the other hand, of course, the intense pressure, heat and smell of this specific giant girl's ass added a lot of mixed sensory elements to that experience. 


Even though his initial instinct was panic, he forced himself to remain calm. Once Maddie realized what was really happening, he knew she'd do everything she could to help him out. The only question was how long that would take, and how much more unpleasantness he'd have to endure until then. The muffled overhead rumbling of her digestive system wasn't reassuring.




By now, everyone on Max's floor was well aware of Maddie's weapons-grade digestive system. She clogged toilets and cleared elevators with ease, and regularly left their shared hallway smelling like a blend of cannabis and sulfur. For the average-sized healthy human being, this was a mild annoyance at worst—but for Max, right now, it was something else entirely. As the giant stoner freshman let loose a massive fart straight into his tiny, helpless face, he was left coughing and gasping for breath. 


"Ugh," groaned Maddie, shifting around on the couch and unintentionally grinding Max even deeper into her ass. "the fuck did I eat last night?"


"Fuck," groaned Max, "could you PLEASE notice me?"


Unfortunately, no matter how many times Max shouted, his efforts remained fruitless. Whether Maddie was still just too stoned and sleep-deprived to feel his struggles beneath her, or whether the volume on her AirPods was simply up too high to hear his cries, she didn't react at all. It was almost like he wasn't even there.


Fortunately, she wasn't settling in for long. After rolling her joint and setting it on the coffee table, she slowly and clumsily rose to her feet—effortlessly taking Max with her! As the cushion beneath his naked, shrunken body disappeared, Max's stomach dropped. The only thing that kept him from falling was an instinctual urge to hold on tight, wrapping his arms and legs around the folds of Maddie's sweatpants as fast as possible.


"Woah, shit..."


Suddenly, he was dangling in midair—and his giant neighbor didn't even seem to realize she was giving him a free ride. As Maddie shuffled back to her room, Max's point of view shifted up and down like a carnival ride as his enormous neighbor's butt swayed back and forth. Holding onto her was like trying to ride a mechanical bull, but Max knew he had no other choice. It would be awkward if Maddie noticed him right now, but if she accidentally dropped him, it might be even worse.


After about a minute of clinging for his life, his giant unintentional captor had made it back to her bedroom. As her door swung open, Max resisted the urge to gag on the fresh new bouquet of bad smells that rushed out to greet him — a mix of stale pizza, farts, and much, much more weed — and as he got his first glimpse of the room itself, his jaw dropped. He'd always known his neighbor was slobby, but the reality was worse than he could have ever imagined. 


Having lucked into one of the USD's only single rooms, Maddie had nothing but space to spread out—and spread out she had. The walls of her bedroom were plastered with fractal images and magic eye posters, every available surface was filled with smoking paraphernalia and loose baggies, and the floor was a sea of used clothes and more takeout containers. It was, in short, the full stoner girl bedroom starter pack.


As Maddie stepped inside and hip-checked the door shut, Max had to brace himself to keep from falling once again. Then, realizing where his neighbor was probably going, his heart skipped a beat. She seemed to be headed right for the beanbag chair in the center of the room, likely about to imprison him right back under her ass for another, much longer stretch of time.




Of course, Max's cries for help had no effect. Maddie remained totally oblivious.


"Uhhhhhggggh," he groaned. "Fuck me..."


Finally, Maddie reached the chair and turned to take a seat. Then, and only then, Max realized he might have a window to escape. If he was able to time it right, he could drop down to the chair and climb out of harm's way before his neighbor's giant ass got settled. But if he timed it wrong, dropping from this height, he could end up getting seriously injured.


Was it worth the risk?

July 11
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