Returning home for rest
Omniworld Chapter 11

"The shaking is so fun!!!"

"I don't even care anymore, this sweat is too delicious"

"Petition: Destroy The Protective Barrier So We Can All Kiss Yuu's Toes"

It defied reason. It spat in the face of logic. Yuu had put Iscandar through a smelly hell on Earth. The videos of those gigantic soles crashing from above were pants-shittingly terrifying. Scientists recorded record heats, record quake magnitudes, record levels of property damage. Thanks to the rips in the ground, two of the continents had split into four. Literal rivers of salty juices were flowing through city streets. Even now, the world trembled, as the two girls returned to Tomoko's home.

But the tiny people kept praising Yuu. As if every single twitch of her toe was magic; as if she had brought their lives new meaning with only a word; as if their dear owner didn't exist.

"Maybe they'd be better off staying as her insole," she mumbled. "As if I care what who they prefer... Dorks on a dirty marble..."

With a sigh, the dark-haired girl's tired palm swiped the updates away. She opened the door, wiping her shoes on the mat before entering. "Well... Thanks for that."

Her friend pumped her arms. "It was exciting! Oh, I should take off my shoes if I'm coming in."

"N-no need--!" Her heart raced. This was it: the moment Yuu found out about her dumb little prank. Things couldn't be the same between them after that. She'd lose all credibility; all her relationship points; all hope for future get-togethers. And her sweet, cheery friend, who wouldn't hurt a fly - she'd learn about the vast destruction she accidentally wrought out! Peeking down with trembling cheeks, Tomoko couldn't help but watch the right foot exit its stylish shoe. It had a lithe frame; cleanly-cut nails: and a diamond on its toe ring...

...Wait, that wasn't a diamond. That was a planet. A tiny, blueish planet; with visible cities spread across its minuscule continents.

"...Wh-what?" She stammered. As Yuu lifted the left shoe off, she saw the rest of her digits relax on the floor. And that other shining ring, which she'd only seen from below in that camera - it had a world on it, too! A whole, bustling civilization, right underneath her! "What's that?"

The fashionable woman blinked. "Huh?" Following her companion's line of vision, she understood. "Oh, the rings! Sorry, I didn't want to show off. That's not real silver."

Tomoko's shaking only grew wilder, her spine up in alert. "A-and those things... on-on top...?"

A question mark floated over Yuu's puzzled head. "The planets? What about them?"

"Wh-wh... h-h-how... did you... they were there... Th-the whole time...?" Her teeth chattered between words, trying to make sense of those pieces of planetary jewelry. And still, her friend stretched her toes out on the carpet, twirling their skies around.

With a little sigh, she nodded. "Yeah, I was wearing those worlds. I know this was supposed to a private get-together; but Planet Lefty and Planet Righty just couldn't stand being away from my feet that long. They're so greedy." Idly, she rubbed the ball of her right sole into the left ring, running it across the force field. "I also brought a couple in my belly button and cleavage. Bit of a hassle, huh?"

The nerdy woman covered her mouth. This did nothing to help her loss for words. Over 25 billion minuscule people was scurrying under her nose - tossed around by every step, wobble, and sound on that outing. "Is that... And they're okay with this?"

She rubbed a bit harder, massaging her worn sole's joints. "Oh, sure, they love going for walks! I think it's the perfume I wear. It's an aphrodisiac for tinies, or something? It keeps those cuties happy; and gives them a bit of encouragement to pamper me." Her eyes didn't lose a trace of their innocent glimmer while she looked at her friend, still brushing her dainty soles over the populace below. "I'm sorry, Mokocchi, did it smell too strong?"

With her fingers twitching, and head nodding slowly, Tomoko stammered: "D-didn't... notice..." So THAT'S why Iscandar went so crazy over her! She sighed, finally feeling some relief. Why would she base her self-esteem on those insects, who got mindlessly horny from nothing but a little sniff?

But soon, she started to worry again. Where WAS her little world now? Last time she saw them, they were in those stockings...

"Okay, I think Planet Lefty is feeling good now! Planet Righty needs a turn... Huh?" As Yuu shuffled on her right foot, she noticed something stuck to her left sole. Buried in filth and moisture; clinging behind her legwear; lodged firmly in her arch; a tiny blue-green sphere. "Wait... I don't remember this one?"

Tomoko went colorless, and prayed for a quick death. "Uh... Th-that's... The one you... gave me..." Her voice wavered as she tried her best to explain the events of the day before.

To her continued astonishment, the beautiful gal just giggled, and started rolling Iscandar out of her stockings - across her sole and calf. "Heehee, I thought I felt something ticklish when we were dancing! These sweeties just keep getting lost in the weirdest places, don't they?" She gently tossed the minuscule ball to her friend.

Juggling the entirety of Iscandar, the raven-haired woman went red with shame. She shut her eyes, and tightened her fist around the planet. She'd been perving out so much, and putting the people through torture - out of naught but misplaced envy. Why would she ever feel threatened by this girl, who'd been on her side ever since middle school? All her bottled emotions flowed out at once: "I'm... I'm sorry, Yuu! This was a gift from you, I... I neglected it! I should've been taking better care of it!"

While gasping, twitching from her self-loathing rant, Mokocchi felt Yuu's hand on her shoulder. That pleasant expression didn't change, no matter what her pal was saying. "Heeey, don't worry about it, Mokocchi. I've already squashed some itty-bitty worlds by accident. I think I ate a couple, too."

A little buzz from her cell phone; a few messages from the microbe folks:

"Aww, lucky worlds."

"God, that sweet smell is just filling the streets; I'm going to be too horny to do anything tomorrow..."

"swallow me yuu!!!"

No way. This fashionista, this ditz, destroyed so many lives - and was just mentioning it offhand? Tomoko stared deeply into her creamy lips. Knowing that civilizations had ended in those pillowy masses, each of the next words from shook like thunder in her brain: "It's no big deal. We can always buy another one! Besides, you've more than made it up to me. We should go outside and dance more often, okay?"

Her perception of her friend shifted in new degrees and angles; coming full circle from disgust, to admiration. The planet in her palm dropped loosely to the floor. And yet, in front of that, her face remained perfectly motionless. She whispered: "I've got lots to learn..."

After saying goodbyes, and exchanging thanks, it didn't take long for Tomoko's exhaustion to catch up with her. Very soon after, she crashed on the couch - not even bothering to change into her pajamas.

Within her dormant mind, strange visions swirled around - mixing memories of her active day. She was traversing an empty, long plain, with soft ground receding beneath. Fog blocked her view of the horizons, and covered the sky. Her naked legs and hands crawled across the pinkish expanse. With long, heavy panting, she arrived at a natural oasis; and drank greedily from its sugary, flowing waters. The splash of the liquid against her tired face was warm, and smelt of peaches. In the pond's reflection, she looked slightly distorted.

She yawned. "This is a dream... I should probably wake up soon."

But then, her eyes spotted something in the reflection. High in the sky above; tinted by atmospheric distortion; beyond the drifting mists and twinkling stars; Yuu's gigantic face smiled down at her. It was the larger than an entire universe, and every beautiful, glowing feature was even more clear and lucid than in reality - from her bright cheeks, to her round lips, to her cute button nose. The bat of her delicate eyelashes extinguished a hundred suns. Below, her unclothed chest flowed freely - milky galaxies orbiting her perky, pink nipples. The colossal woman lifted a hand to wave at her speck-like friend, solar systems clustering between her fingers. Looking up, and out to the edges of the vast plain, Tomoko realized her place in this dream. The endless realm she was traversing was all one minuscule wrinkle of an interstellar vagina. This delicious oasis was an invisible dot of her moisture and feminine fluids. The fog around? Simply the natural musk from her warm organ, drifting over the tiny woman's body in a soft embrace.

When Yuu spoke, it drove deep into the dreamer's ears, blowing out a million lights with a heavenly breath: "This multiverse can get pretty cold. Make yourself at home down there, inside my comfy lower lips..." Her graceful expression slowly melted into a blushing, lustful gaze. "...My microbe Mokocchi."

Tomoko sighed happily. "...There's no rush. I can dream a while longer..." Letting go of the day's stress, she allowed herself to drop towards the reflection; and sink limply into the cleansing oasis of love juice...

Outside, in the real world, she clutched tightly to her hugging pillow. An impossibly lewd expression seized her sleeping features. She let out subconscious snorts, snores, and joyful mumbles. Her little brother passed by to drape a blanket on her; before tiptoeing to his room. On the chair nearby, her cell phone buzzed, sending messages from Iscandar drifting into the uncaring night:

"Please wake up! You're squishing our nations between your boobs and the pillow!"

"Oh God, her drool is getting everywhere"

"it's an oven in here!!!"

"Don't you dare nap here! None of us can get any sleep!"

"Entertainment: Celebrity Entering Rehab After Binge-Drinking Tomoko Kuroki and Yuu Naruse's Sweat"

"We'll be stuck in this sweaty hell all night, won't we? RIP"

"I think her heartbeat's getting faster..."

Stay with Tomoko? Move to Yuu? Or maybe another of their friends?

Originally written by:

July 6, 2023