They're going into Tomoko's Pussy
Omniworld Chapter 5

Since it came so early, one of the earlier replies had the most "likes", and reached the top of the comments:

"nice cosplay. jam that marble in your fat pussy camwhore"

Tomoko took a moment to reread it, feeling the force field buckle between her skinny digits. So, a lot of the population didn't take her seriously, even here. She rolled her eyes back, taking a second to think it over. Maybe she didn't give enough proof of her existence. Maybe the tiny world had kinder, friendlier social networks. Maybe those people deserved a second chance with her...

"Hahaha, as if."

Without much more than a flicker of concern, she replied to the comment: "You win. Congratulations, I'm taking you guys' virginities."

Putting the phone down, then the planet, she slowly pulled back her pants, revealing plain underwear. The cotton practically peeled off her sweaty skin, revealing a large, pink vulva. Warm air currents floated over the sphere, drenching the atmosphere in a thick musk. She mumbled to her toys, watching them roll in the sheets with heavy breaths: "There were so many hotties at the gym, I could b-b-barely contain myself... I'm aching so much!... L-life isn't fair, is it?" Her shaking hand traversed the Mound of Venus, where her thin thighs met with her vagina. The lanky fingers spread apart, revealing the layers of folding muscular tissue within. Warmth jolted up her spine. "But-but I'm not g-going to cocktease you little guys that way... Hahah... In fact... Since I'm so n-n-nice... I'll a-allow everyone to f-f-fap to me!"

Against her mattress, the phone vibrated intensely with messages. News articles displayed entire waterfalls of perspiration sticking to the pale underwear as she removed it, breaking off into thin strings clinging to her skin. Instant messages displayed massive panoramas of Tomoko's pussy, none of them large enough to capture the sheer grandeur of the monolithic, drenched lips. Miniature earthquakes started from the jostle of her hips. Weather networks reported sudden fog and humidity outbursts worldwide, systems changing at the giantess' passive arousal.

But most exciting for her, that star from before posted a video of himself. He welcomed her with open arms and open legs. Her message got through. And hilariously enough, some users were still replying:

"She's doing it the absolute madwoman"


"this is my first time seeing a girl nude,,, are they all this hairy?"

Plucking them up, and fidgeting, Tomoko slowly lowered their microscopic civilization through the forests of her pubic hair, towards her clitoris. The pearl, the size of a perfect full moon to them, glistened in the sun from the window. She lightly pressed the screaming populace against her mountainous hood. Face locked in a wide grin, breathing out between her teeth, she murmured: "Uhm... this is... this is my foreplay, o-okay? Please... please be g-gentle with m-me..."

Her stomach fluttered. Even with the barrier, she could sense the refreshing coolness of the waters rushing below. It was elastic enough that she could make out the tops of their most impressive mountains and buildings, making it a bumpy delight. And from her phone screen, she saw: the people within were swayed by her indulgent maneuvers. Or rather, they were swaying - great monuments rattling as if they were leaves in the wind. Only a thin surface of energy separated them from an endless wall of pink, spongy tissue. She and her world were getting very intimate, very fast. Despite having control over them, (or rather, BECAUSE she held control over so many lives,) she was still nervous about putting them in.

To calm her nerves, Tomoko ran a hand on her chest, breathing deeply. "Don't... don't panic, Mokkochi. I-it's not like these guys really m-matter, do they? You're only m-masturbating! And this little, teensy dirtball is your sex toy...!" She brushed her hair back, resting fully into her comfortable pillows. With her legs less tense, she could fully focus on the passionate touch of the landscape's bumpy surface, massaging her folds.

"If I'm fapping, then... yeah, I'll listen to that." With slow thrusts, Tomoko's thin arm reached miles away for her third-favorite lewd Drama CD: "Yandere Boy Voices to Give You Sexy Nightmares". But before turning it on, she turned her attention back to the phone screen's black mirror. "Wait... if you micro things have an internet..." Intense perversion crossed her face. "...You've gotta have more than news and social sites, huh?"

With a sweaty hand, she continued to brush the microbes around, making their planet revolve briskly with her gleaming labia as their sun. With the other, she hastily tapped another message to them on her phone: "PM me your best porn sites."

She added, barely hiding her blush from the world: "I'm into cool boys, verbal abuse, hentai, and yaoi." Rattling her arms unsteadily, grinding a major city with her organ, she finished: "Has this civilization discovered yaoi yet?"

Responses began to pour in: "This is against the TOS"

"you're gonna get banned, goddess or not"

"Actually, yaoi's illegal in my country."


Tomoko blushed for a moment - she was breaking the rules. But with a little gulp of air, and a cross of her fingers, she flicked the planet. It rolled between her emancipated, bare thighs. A major quake swallowed an island into the ground, and cracked the protective layer of their force field. Laughing nervously, she positioned her phone's light so that dramatic shadows appeared across her face - hanging imposingly in the air. "Y-you don't get it? None of your rules m-m-matter anymore! All that matters... all that matters is making me cum!" She closed her legs together, lightly squeezing the world with both massive thighs. They might have faced Armageddon, were it not for how thin those legs were (a result of her sedentary lifestyle). Still, the miniature people found entire seas engulfed in bodily warmth, surrounded by her thighs' flesh. The molten core buckled, volcanic activity starting in the deepest basins of the oceans. The earth's crust ruptured, bending slowly...

Soon, more messages lit up her screen: "We're trying to live in a SOCIETY here"

"Fucking finally, I always said it'd take an act of god to overturn these site rules!!"

"rip, we're all sex slaves."

Each of the messages had addresses to various websites. And to Tomoko's joy, the first few had very handsome men onscreen, poised in compromising positions with each other. Her scrawny thigh muscles unclenched. She transported the planet back to her open pussy lips, brushing the lumpy surface against her with a steady rhythm. "Heheh... This tough guy in the video h-here, he's touching my vagina n-now... And this guy, with the cute eyes, he's somewhere down here... And the staff who worked on this video, even--! Aaahh..." She was nearly exploding with glee, hyperventilating at the cool sensation - coupled with the knowledge that billions were getting a face full of her cunt at every stroke and twitch.

Hungrily, she hovered the next porn link. "Citrus Party?..." Excited, she clicked on it - and sputtered out in terror and bewilderment. One of those tiny people had sent her to a shock site. Her face reddened, her jaws clenching, the dark bags under her eyes bulging.

"Hah... Okay, y-y-you m-mites are really asking for it n-n-now!"

Enough foreplay. Sliding her planet between two fingers, she dove into her sex, penetrating past the layers of muscular tissue. Webs of her juices broke apart in sequence, clinging on the force field. Biting into her lips, she indulged in the next site, scrolling through pictures as she thrust the sphere slowly. The mountains traversed lush, pulsating landscapes of organic material. Her arm brushed past her body waist, squeezing the population in deeper - letting their skyscrapers dig into the endless layers of pink. As the dicks onscreen penetrated deep into bodies, she clenched her twiggy fingers tighter - digging into herself, and bringing populations along for the ride.

It didn't matter what size they were. Right now, she had to have three billion penises inside her. And at least a _few _of them were probably not limp.

Switching back to news reports, there were news reports about changing temperatures, thanks to the heat building in her groin. Were it not for the barrier, major cities would be flooded with her juices; even as-is, the force field let a few drops in, white orbs consuming everything inside. Cars, trees, and people ended up trapped within globs of her lewd fluids, rolling like ever-growing Katamaris of natural lubricant. Some even tore chunks out of the earth. From images, every little fold in her pussy walls was a cavern in its own right, each canyon and crevice tingling as she plunged thousands into their darkness. "Geheh... That's right, p-please take a good look inside of me!" Her joints tingled at the sight of her own organs, taking up miles and miles. No matter where they ran, no matter how much they drove or tried to escape, some corner of her visible from every point on their planet.

But there was a side of her indulgence that the news didn't report on. Across the social media platforms...

"Urgh, it smells rank all over New Blandan!"

"Like old panties with fish, here up north."

"Actually, I love it. It's really sweet."

"It's addicting. Does that mean my biology's suited for Goddess Tomoko?"

"Pheromones. Some love 'em, some hate 'em, everyone's gettin' drenched in them."

The perverted young woman scrolled through their messages, feeling herself deeper and deeper. "Oh gosh... Verbal abuse, and praising my smell..." Despite the orb's minuscule size, a massive pressure welled up inside of her. "I only washed it yesterday, and even now... It's passively just floating through their air, like clouds..." She thrust in and out, wondering about the amazing sights that her little populace was seeing. "Tell me all about what you're seeing!"

The texts poured in quickly:

"You're going too hard!"

"I just got flung across the fucking sea!"


"Seriously, even the sound of your breaths or sloshing is rattling us!"

The friction reduced as Tomoko's pussy grew wetter and wetter. She dared to jam the ball deeper into her, squeezing it into the familiar folds her fingers had traversed many times; only this time, with the exciting, fresh sensation of showing it off to billions.

Soon, a buzzing sensation jolted through her. According to the news, a panicked general had started launching missiles at her, hoping to bring her down. Even though they were small, it was hard enough that she could feel it - piercing into the layers of wet vaginal muscle. She quickly messaged, in the throes of ecstasy: "Everyone, please fire your weapons! I want you to annihilate my insides!"

And bit by bit, from every angle, her groin filled with the warm, massaging sensation of a planet's arsenal. The world that Yuu bought must have been incredibly advanced; their nukes flew through the force field, and deep out into the dark depths of her all-consuming vagina, before exploding with immense force against the throbbing tissue. Any harder, and it might have exploded.

The next page was loading. Her connection was having problems. She couldn't hold it in.

Tomoko gasped shallowly.

She was embarrassed.

She was terrified.

And most of all, Tomoko was excited.


With a final push, she let torrents of juice erupt out of her open lips. In steady pumps, showers of pleasure slid out, slithering sloppily over her groin. And with them, the planet rolled out, laying in a stagnant, translucent pool of the stuff.

"Hah... hah... Great job! Now n-none of us... are virgins..." The devious girl examined the results - finding some sites down due to the immense tremors she caused. But those that were still up displayed am entire world caught in a dank roller coaster, communities of all types sent flying into the air - and landing with a THUD into her blankets. Thankfully, the force field cover still held. However, it was absolutely drenched with the girl's liquids, and provided no protection from the immense, thin body's heat, odor, and movement. It was as if a sticky blanket slid over them; dare she say, like the apocalyptic ending to one of her favorite animes.

Tomoko shivered, her fingers curling up. "W-well, I fucked the world... I p-probably " She stared in the distance, heart still beating rapidly. "Maybe I should c-clean it up now... I... I feel like I could keep going, though..." Tapping the barrier, feeling the crust buckle beneath her finger, her glossy eyes scanned them. "...Maybe... without protection this time? W-what do you think...?"

What's next for Tomoko's toy planet?

Originally written by:

July 6, 2023
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