Sarah sat on the toilet thinking about the day prior, about the promise she made to the shrunken person on her nightstand. It all felt so surreal she could hardly believe any of it was true. And if she found it this hard to comprehend, everyone else would too. Glancing down at the yellow water below her, she thought about how scary this world must be for them, just a toilet bowl might as well be an ocean! Anxiety began to take over her thoughts. What if their parents blamed you for the shrinking? What if you accidently dropped them? Or stepped on them??? She would never forgive herself if that happened. These queasy feelings were then replace by new, more taboo thoughts. Currently she had an entire human the size of a bug at her disposal, nobody will ever know what happened to them so long as she kept it that way. It was the greatest opportunity she'd ever get to REALLY explore the depths of her inner fantasies. As she flushed the toilet and put her uniform on, she had but one intention for her little pet. The confidence she had walking back to her room was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Opening the door she made her way to the tiny sitting on the edge of her nightstand and held it to her eyes. "New plan little buddy, if I'm going to help you, you owe me some serious favors". A flame in her chest ignited as she began to pull back the waistband of the front of her underwear and watched the squirming figure between her fingers descend closer and closer to her crotch. Before she dropped it, a sudden pang of guilt came over her and she snapped back to reality. Was she really about to do this? COULD she really do this? It was to late now, she had lost its trust entirely and likely just made a lifelong enemy. With a heavy sigh she whispered "I'm sorry..." And dropped it into the depths of her underwear. Letting the elastic slap back into place, she shivered as the small arms and legs fell against her pubes and kicked into her clit. She slid on her jeans from yesterday and headed off to work.

Stationed at the front desk of a country club was not her ideal summer job but it paid well and today was obviously an exciting exception. As she walked to her seat, just the thought of having a tiny human trapped against her pussy to the ignorance of everyone around her sent shivers down her spine. before sitting down, she adjusted her crotch until she could feel her pet slide deeper beneath her labia. The moment she sat down was pure ecstasy. She could feel her sensitive lips wrap around its body, sucking it deeper and deeper between them. It's small legs kicked wildly into her aroused clitoris send waves of pleasure throughout her body. An older gentleman approach the desk asking to sign in and for golf club rentals. Sarah rolled her chair forward and began gyrating her hips, grinding her enflamed cunt against the seat and hidden from view. She could feel small pinches as she checked his paperwork, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. She almost laughed when she realized that it was biting the inside of her labia in desperation. Rather than hurting her, the bites had inadvertently pushed her past the point of no return. She had to orgasm now or she'd implode. Faster and harder she pressed her wet pussy into the s eat until everything climaxed. A wave of cum exploded out of her creating a visible wet spot through her jeans. Sarah collapsed her head onto the desk and panted heavily trying to hide her flushed face. "Miss? Miss? Are you ok?" The man asked, tapping her on her elbow. "Huh? Yeah yeah, I'm all good". Wiping the sweat off her brow she finished the man's order and rushed to the bathroom. Squatting on the toilet she let out a torrent of pee and stared at the soaking wet, lifeless body in her underwear. In that moment she felt terrible for what she had done. Saying a few words of remorse, she tossed the body into the bowl and flushed...

May 23
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