There was no way you'd ever make it back down in time, the police would soon be here and if you weren't crushed under this foot, it'd be an officer's boot that smites you. So you walk between her big and second toe and slide down the dry skin to her ankle. At this time, the police begin to tap the other foot of the woman waking her from a druggy's slumber. The foot you are on, comes crashing down to rest on the ground, scaling up her leg was much hard but worth the risk. As the foot starts to tap, you use microscopic hair follicles to ascend up her calf and eventually reach her knee. Up until this point you had never looked at what she was wearing; a tattered brown skirt and an off white tang top. As you looked forward you were met with the haunting angle of the woman's massive genitals on display. How it took you this long to realize she wasn't wearing underwear was beyond you, but reaching her head and avoiding THAT was your new ultimatum. Finally, after slowly crawling down her thigh, you reach the bottom of the skirt. Traveling above it would be harder and more dangerous but better for reaching her face while going down under had its obvious downsides. You needed to think quickly before she moved again...

May 22
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