A Questionable Choice

Putting your faith in a crackhead was certainly...bold, but there were hidden benefits to this daring maneuver. The woman's relentless muttering and ticks created a strong field around her where no other person would get any closer, save for the police which was kind of the idea. You began walking with the hot summer sun beaming down on your back. The flat plain of cement only added more heat and after just a couple hours of walking, you were positively parched. Just after noon you came to a stop near the front door of the gas station where foot traffic had been nonstop. Each footstep from a passing stranger created microscopic shock waves across the pavement as they walked in and out of the store, if you were going to cross, it would require meticulous timing on your end.

You settled down waiting for the right moment, shoes the size of city skyscrapers crashed down in front of you, some a little too close for comfort. Miraculously you avoid getting squashed and during a brief dry spell, you catapulted yourself across the pavement and towards the ever present crackhead. As you got closer you noticed a small group of ants the size of horses investigating a dropped chip left by the woman, beyond the chip you noticed that this woman was not only ragged but had no shoes on either and seemingly hadn't showered in who knows how long. Her filthy feet slapped disorderedly on the pavement as she stumbled from side to side.

You don't know how long you've been walking for but when you looked behind, you noticed that same group of ants now appeared closer as if they detected your presence. Your walking turns into a light job which soon gives way to a full on sprint. The ants recognize the change in movement and began the pursuit. You run harder than ever before, no matter what it costs you, you were not going to become food for ants! It turns out that it was going to cost quite a lot as in your haste you failed to look in front of you and before you knew what was happening, you smacked face first into the calloused big toe of the woman.

You fell backwards onto the ground still stunned from the impact. The rough looking underside remained still but did little to hid the repulsive foot odor surrounding it. You turn around and spot the ants quickly closing the distance between you, with all your might you begin to helplessly claw and pound away at the moist skin of the woman's toe. Suddenly, the foot begins to lift over you, you stare up at the grimy sole and follow it as it slowly descend back behind you, now in between her feet, you watch as the ants silently disappear beneath the sole as it settles back down. You pump your first in the air, this crazy lady has just unintentionally answered your prayers! Caught between the massive feet of this crazy lady, you were stuck anticipating her next move, hoping you don't end up under those nasty soles. Minutes go by as each step she takes rumbles the pavement, collecting bits of debris as they make contact. Occasionally another ant, spider, or other monstrous bug is unceremoniously smothered beneath a wiggling toe, blackened sole, or cracked heel. You want to throw up, the gory sight of bug guts fused to her soles combined with the everlasting smell of feet creates an abysmal environment for your shrunken self. This has been a terrible idea, what were you even thinking? Even if you managed to climb her rugged body and grab her attention, she'd probably think you were a hallucination...

It has been almost an hour since you were saved from that pack of ants and judging by the time, the gas station was near empty. Crackhead lady was now seated passed out on the ground against the gas station wall. Her feet were extended with her harsh looking soles on display Infront of you and just as deadly as before. Believe it or not, the grimy accumulated on them could actually be useful to you, you spotted a variety of tools imbedded in her skin such as small splinters of wood, loose hairs, and candy wrappers. If you could reach them, you would have quite the shelter , on the other hand, the gas station was much less busy and safer to enter if you felt brave enough. But before you could decide you caught a glimpse of the distinct red and blue lights of a police car pulling into the lot. Out stepped 2 officers, a man and woman who made their way into the gas station holding a missing persons report with... YOUR NAME ON IT??? This was it, your lucky break, reaching those officers would guarantee a safe return home and possibly a cure!? You decide to...

May 22
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