*By 33


“So hear me out,” Donna said, taking another drag from her cigarette. She started talking again as smoke poured out of her mouth - you weren’t a fan of smoking, but at an inch tall you decided not to say anything.

“You were at a research lab, and you were mistreated. My fear is if we contact anyone for help, you’ll just end up in the same position. The thought of you becoming a lab rat isn’t something I can handle, at all.”

Her thumb slowly rubbed up and down the front of your body as she held you. You knew she was probably trying to comfort you, but you couldn’t fight your erection. A slight smoke crossed her face, and you knew she could feel it.

“And I love the way you feel in my fingers - and I think you like it too,” she giggled. Donna took another drag off of her cigarette and again blew her smoke on you. This time slowly, almost sensual.

“That’s it, breathe it in little one. The nicotine will calm you.”

You wanted to object - to the smoke, and to the idea she had clearly decided to keep you. But you had already incurred the wrath of Dr. Wright through no fault of your own, and you didn’t want to experience that again. And Donna did seem like she’d be much nicer.

May 22
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