Yah ever play belly ball, Boy?
Equestria Invading Chapter 7
· original author:
"Clearly he doesn't know his place." Twilight said

"Shall we educate him?" Rarity asked

"Rarity you know not to say the E word in front of me." Twilight said

"You mean you haven't taken care of it this morning?" Rarity asked

"I never do it before lunch. Besides mine's getting fixed, I charged it up too much and it exploded inside of me. It felt amazing..." Twilight got doe eyed just thinking about whatever it was

"Goodness I'm sorry! I'll loan you tenderhoof if you'd like." Rarity gestured to one of the stallions next to her and he stood meekly with a hopeful smirk he tried to hide

"Sorry, I like to imagine I've got a farm hand doing it." Twilight said

And then it clicked and I felt sick and nearly threw up. Just the thought of these monster having sex made me sick as I doubled over

"What is this? Is it trying to bow!?" Rarity said

"Terrible! You're form is all wrong! Let's get down to it already." Twilight said

I had no idea what they were even talking about "Four, Seven, Five. Get my sports clothes." Twilight said stood and waddled away with those three slaves

"And I shouldn't need to tell you, Hoity Toity." Rarity said just barely glancing in his direction and the grey stallion shrunk where he stood pulling out a duffle bag and following Rarity down the hall

"What's happening?" I asked

"They're gonna play belly ball. Just remember to cross your arms and make fists, the last thing you want is to even run a finger on them when they're doing it." Two said

"Doing what?" I asked


Twilight had dragged me outside, out there was a pole roughly they're height. Twilight had changed into shorts and a tank top and Rarity did the same "Now then, Slave I should hope you know why you're here." She used her magic and a rope came from the top of the pole wrapping around my feet and lifting me ten feet off the ground as Twilight lifted me with her magic above her head "Let this be your lesson!" Twilight dropped me and I screamed

FUCK!!! I thought as I looked down I as myself plummeting down and I saw Twilight swinging her body at me Here it comes! I closed my eyes and crossed my arms, as I did I felt myself crash into Twilight's belly, as she did that I opened my eyes, I was careening towards Rarity's and sure enough she smacked me back with her belly back to Twilight who did just the same So... my punishment for touching a belly... is to be hit with bellies in a weird game of tether ball? I thought grimly at my predicament
April 19
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