Continue this story. (Route 2)
Equestria Invading Chapter 4
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The deathly void was flooded by a heavenly white light that washed clean through my being, seeping into my nerves and reanimating the solid feeling of my body. A freezing cold mixture dripped off my tender skin as my sensed eased back into reality, and I couldn't shut my eyes from the blinding glare that banished every sliver of darkness away, screening over some pastel-colored splotches of the new world outside.

The floor of the pod was too smooth and moist to step out of without slipping, and my first step into the future slid out under my feet and sent me nose-first into a furnished-smelling wooden floor. After being stiffened up for so long, all of my muscles ached under even the slightest movement, and my vocal cords were too dry to say anything other than a long, pained groan.

Wherever I now was, it wasn't one of those impenetrable fortresses the place went on and on about. In fact, as my eyes adjusted to the harsh, vomit inducingly bright colors of the new world, the room looked like it was someone's bedroom.

"Ngh..." My head seethed in pain. I pressed my head back into the floor clamped my hands over my eyes, relishing in the absence of all the grueling light, only to open them again and completely refreshed to a soft, bright purple wall standing only inches from my face. "...the hell?"

Even though my muscles barely remembered how to move, I pushed off the ground and lurched onto my feet, looking up, up, up, and up at whatever the round mass before me was, but standing up straight I couldn't make anything out aside from two luscious globes hanging on top by a layer of blue cloth. I stumbled back, peering above the two mounds at two pointed ears rising above the body until I fell back into the pod, and could finally see a face somewhere far, far behind her balloon belly with huge, yet tired eyes perched above a petite snout sticking out from between two engorged cheeks, wearing a set of thick, round-framed eyeglasses.

Yet for some...thing looking down at an alien creature that'd just stumbled into her home, she didn't muster any care to even blink at the sight.


"Hello." Her voice was quiet and low, as if speaking up'd be too much of a chore.

My eyes scanned around the room, taking in that the two of us were alone. "...are you with Cyrotech?"

"No, we took you from there a few days ago."

"You...took me? Why'd you do that?"

"There was a discount. That, and I kinda prefer short ones."

"Short ones? What're you talking about?"

In the first bit of physical activity I'd seen from my new host, she raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you downloaded with all the procedures you needed?"

"Well, I-I really don't..." But glancing around, I gave up on talking and ran to a window nearby, gazing down at the streets of a modest village in some mountainous region, absent of any of the space age technology that'd sent me off. Walking the streets were much of the same (albeit colorful) creatures, all dragging around the same balloon-bellies flaunted by shirts, dresses, and suits cut with windows or high arches in the front that let them hang out in full to the cold air.

However, standing between their globular forms were what I guessed were the males, all much shorter than skinner. They were even joined by an occasional human in staying flanked around the ladies to grovel or massage their midsections, begging to them with utter praise, much to their delight.

"No...No!" I wailed, punched in the gut by all the eons of evolution, progress, and society smothered out by the pastel-vomit dystopia outside. "'What happened? What've you done?!!"

She huffed. "I've paid specifically for a massage/feeder extension, that's what!"
April 19
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