She wants to celebrate with a feast! (Weight gain)
Equestria Invading Chapter 5
· original author:
"Welcome to the Dancing Unicorn." said the slightly perturbed waiter at the front of the restaurant. "How may I--"

"Listen to me very carefully." said the mare aside me, pulling free a bag of gold the size of two fists out of her bag. "I want the single best room in this place, all to me and my friend, and I want every single scrap of food you have available that isn't already on someone else's plate. Not a single word of this is hyperbole or exaggeration. Do you understand?"

"I, ah, er...." the waiter said, staring at the sack of gold. "That...that may be somewhat difficult to manage...."

The mare pulled out a second sack of gold, even bigger than the first. "If anyone complains or walks out or makes trouble, I'll pay back double whatever losses you take as a result. Understood?"

The waiter nodded as rapidly as he could. "Right this way, please."

Leading us into a ornate dining room that could have seated at least thirty or forty people at least, the waiter placed us at the center table. "Would there be any sort of.....order you would like to receive your dishes in?" the waiter said, clearly still at a loss about what was going on. "We have a very wide selection, and--"

"Just go in order of whatever's quickest to make." the mare said, smiling like nobody's business. "I have no intention of leaving this room for quite some time, so there's no hurry at all."

"As you wish." With that, the waiter ran off to the kitchens (yelling as he went to get the manager's attention), leaving me and my....former lover (?) all alone.

"So, uh," I said, looking at this mystery mare. "Uhh..."

"Celestia." she said. "Formerly Queen Celestia, but that will soon be rectified."

"Ah." I said. "....Now, look....Celestia, I know that you're excited to see me and that....well,you do seem to be onto something about me being the reincarnation or whatever of your Theodore, but....."

"But what?' she said, looking genuinely worried. "What is it?"

"Aren't you going a little bit...extreme about all of this?" I said, looking around. Breaking the bank on enormous quantities of food and--"

"Oh, Theo." she said, giggling a bit. "Don't worry, everything will come to make sense soon enough. This is, believe it or not, an important part of the process. Restoring my magical reserves and whatnot."

"I, ah, s--"

The first waiter, in addition to a dozen or so other waiters and waitresses and cooks and bus boys and whatnot ran int the room, all carrying heavy trays packed high with desserts and soups and various appetizers.

"All...all right, then." the waiter said, as the last of the stuff was placed around. "It shouldn't be that much longer before the first of the entrees arrive."

"Wonderful." Celestia said, nodding to them all. "Your speed and efficiency will be rewarded quite thoroughly. Now, um, would you mind leaving us be?"

As the various waiters and whatnot ran out of the room, I watched as Celestia began to examine the various puddings and cakes and ice creams and other delights with a careful eye.

"Ah, bread pudding." she said, grabbing ahold of one one such dessert and carefully eating it with a spoon. "It's been a while since I've had it."

As she finished off the bread pudding, placing the empty dish aside, she grabbed ahold of a half-finished chocolate cake and tore away a slice.

"Oh, we're going to have such fun together." Celestia said, taking massive bites out of the rich dessert. "It'll take a bit of work to get going at first, but I can promise you that, before you'll know it, the Celestial Empire will be up and running again."

"Really!" I said, watching as she finished off the piece of cake, and started in on a second slice. "How are we going to do..."

"One thing at a time, Theodore." she said. "Once we've taken care of this, everything will become quite clear. Now, ten, I really should get serious about this, shouldn't I...."

With that, she tossed the rest of the second piece of the cake into her mouth...and then, with the voraciousness of a hungry football team, proceeded to devour more or less every last dessert or other form of food on the table.

Having utterly lost any interest into figuring out she was talking about at that point, I watched as Celestia went about devouring everything within arms reach with a few quick bites, engulfing entire cakes and pies and other delicacies in mere moments, all without spilling even a few crumbs onto herself or anything.

This is not to say, mind you, that she was somehow doing this by making the desserts and soups and whatnot disappear or vanish by any means; on the contrary, each and every thing she ate, soon I began to see, was slowly causing her body to go from sleek and amazonian to, ah......well, just plain massive.

Although the transformation I had seen her undergo before was quite impressive in itself, watching Celestia grow and swell was a far more startling sight to see. Her chest as the first thing to grow, her breasts growing from the size of melons to the size of ripe pumpkins, just barely held within the confines of her chest. Her stomach went from taut and flat to round and soft, growing into a massive stomach that began to overflow out onto the table. Her rear end grew massive enough that it actually caused Celestia to be lifted at least a good half foot or so off of her chair, and her hips and thighs grew thick and wide enough to almost beak the chair in half. Her arms grew fat enough to almost grow Although Celestia said almost nothing amidst all of this, the look in her face was one of immense enjoyment and glee.

"Ah!" the waiter said, running into the room with another heavy tray "The entrees will be here soon......."

"Just place the trays wherever you can find space." Celestia said smiling to the man. "Take your time, of course."

The waiter took a moment to collect himself, and then placed the tray down on the table. "As you wish."

"Wonderful." Celestia said. "Send my compliments to the chef."

.....It was much later into the day that the flow of food had finally stopped, a good seven or so hours after we had began. Against all odds, Celestia had managed to devour every last bit of food in the house...and in doing so, had managed to go from svelte and, ah, well.....round. Very round. Very, very round.

"Well, that was good." Celestia said, sitting on the floor after hr chair had broken about two hours or so. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I did, yes."

"Wonderful, wonderful." Celestia said, her round face turning into a cheery smile. "I hope that they won't mind the mess."

"They probably won't, considering the sort of tip you're leaving them." I said. "What now, then?"

April 19
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