"Excellent choice, why go through all that drama and backstory when you could just get it handed to you. Your choice reflects exactly as how you'd spend your money."
...That sounded like a jab, but you ignore it as another sound of fingers snapped. A small earthquake follows, but nothing visible seems to happened.
The Narrator disappeard as well...
Well, you supposed it's as good time as any to see if this whole thing works. You imagine a way to open some sort of UI, getting a feeling in the air. You closed your eyes and when you opened them back your vision was clouded by.. a lot of icons with 100s next to them and choices of girl names, the capture targets.
You figured if picking one of these girls would initiate an event with them. There was also a Harem button placed into it. Maybe a massive event thing...
Well whatever it is, it's your choice to click that or one of the girls.