Jump onto Rin's dangling feet and climb upw...
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Climbing Mount Rin
You make your way to Rin, taking a good few minutes considering your size. You hope she doesn't decide to get up before you get there. Luckily, she doesn't. She remains there, absentmindedly bringing some more food to her mouth every once in a while.

The sheer scale of her body becomes more daunting the closer you get, until you're near the windowsill and all that's in view is her overhanging leg. The giant foot right in front of you looks a bit rough, dirty, speckled with paint, and big enough to crush a building. Her toes are barely touching the ground, so you start off with those. As you're climbing on, you notice the corpse of a now-unrecognizeable insect in between her big and second toe.

Stop freaking out, you say to yourself, just focus on the goal. It doesn't matter how easily she could end your life beneath her unkempt sole or wedged into toe jam with the thong of her sandal. You're not a bug, you're not going to be killed, you're going to get help.

As you grasp at the cuff of her pants, you briefly consider going inside, but decide against it. You don't want her to feel you down there, you don't know how hard it is to climb vertical flesh, and you especially don't want to risk getting stuck further up. You play the safe, non-perverted route for now.

Despite the treacherously steep climb, you do find it to be easy work. The fibers of the cloth act much like the rungs of a ladder. You're able to fully climb the length of her leg in a few minutes.

At this point, you're hoping to get a better view, but you can in fact see less here. Looking up, you take in nothing more than the massive mounds of her breasts and her jaw moving as she continues with her meal.

After resting a bit, you consider where to go from here. You can easily make it over to the countertop, possibly getting Rin's attention near her meal. Your other option is to keep climbing and get somewhere near her face, probably her ear.
February 17
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