i swear its the next one
· original author:

So what if you were a kleptomaniac, you had to find another hobby eventually.

Fortunately, your mom was so dissapointed with you, she sent you to Yamaku High under the condition 'dementia'.

Now no one talks to you because they think YOU have problems.
Man, what a laugh.
Now you're the odd one out, but that gives you more of a reason to stalk students, and of the female variety at that.

Turns out, disabled chicks are pretty bangin'.
And at this particular moment, only one occupies your mind.
Shizune Hakamichi.
Nobody seems to like her, even if she gets good marks and if she's part of some student council buisness.
Maybe it's because she's deaf, or the fact that her personality is.
Her bubbly friend is her exact opposite though.
Why do you even care at this point?

Either way, you're gonna wank at them and blow loads.

As you begin to slide off your sweatpants, a voice murmurs closely. "Damn those women, why did they have to be one class off?".
Out of shock, you rapidly shimmy your 'pants up and whirl around. A couple of feet behind you, a noble character crouches gracefully, seemingly regarding the pair inside. You've never seen such a man in your life, and his presence radiates the firm grip of a redneck as he would grasp a beer.
Without warning, he disapears behind the shrubbery, fading to shadows.
"Wait!" you call out hopelessly, the figure long gone.

"Damnit, why do bushes have to be so sturdy? I might need to get one.."
Kenji's thoughts wandered off aimlessly as he snuck into the building.
Inside, the silence ruled dominant. His wild footsteps left tracks on the tile, one step up your average linolium. And at the end of his long journey lay his goal; a stout brown door labeled 'C13'.

Taking hold of the doors' knob, Kenji ripped it open, regardless of whoever was within.

And what he faced was a shocked Shizune.


February 17
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