Like a deep sea diver, you sink yourself deeper and deeper into her cleavage while the world around you darkens. Only your face remains on that doughy opening of her soft marmaries. You see that she did noticed something seems to be moving in her cleavage, but as she looked down at you and stare a bit, she shrugged.




"Eh, must've been nothing." She even commented, assuring you are safe. 




With her not noticing your tiny little body sinking deeper into her cleavage, eventually your face was dragged and you ended up in this soft hot room made of thicc boobflesh. The smell of her perfume is intoxicating, and her sweat and musk suffocating your breath each time you spend here.




But... You also felt an unnatural soft and warmness unlike anything you feel. There is no bed or pillow that could mimic the soft squishy feel of laying your head on somebody's boobs. Or one this size even.




So, with this one chance you enjoyed them to the fullest. First by hugging them, gripping and feeling the soft entrapment and finally smothering your face in how much you could fit your body just by pressing it.




What's next?

November 10
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