The new normal had set in. Amana would ask Ben to please her with his mouth daily. Ben, as the only resort of resistance left, would insult her, deny her request, stay silent, or in his weakest moments, cry. Amana never seemed to react to any of this, she wouldn’t even change her approach, every day she kept calmly ordering the same.


“Suck it.”


It would be maybe hours, before she stopped trying for the day, and feeding time would commence. Ben would twist and shout as hard as he could, but every time she locked the gag in place, and her cock in his mouth. And then the load would run down his throat.


The first few weeks he couldn’t handle the influx trying to make way into his stomach, a lot of it would spill out of his mouth, on his chest and belly, then the floor. Amana always had patience pulling out, actively ignoring Ben’s gagging and coughing. A couple times after pulling out, Ben puked the cum on Amana’s legs, the first time this happened this got a reaction out of her, and she furiously slapped him across his face, dislodging the gag.


“Patients up there are going hungry, and you waste it...”


Ben had a horrible realization, and tried to speak over his coughs.


“Wh- gahk! What the fuck… *cough* you…. You did THIS to them? Ahh!”


“...No... I’m running different experiments at the same time. You’re a new one. See you tomorrow." And whatever mess she made of him was left as it was till the next day. 


Days went on and the cum he couldn’t swallow was left pooling around him. He noticed it wouldn’t dry normally, it took a couple days for him to notice signs of the thick liquid drying on the floor. So for weeks he was left covered in this coctel of fluids. He would’ve dreaded the smell, if it wasn’t because his stomach was hurting; Ben thought her loads didn’t sit well in his stomach, but he was horrified to find the opposite: he was starving.


He had to come to terms with this truth because as the days went by, the load had less trouble reaching down to his belly. His throat would bulge with each passing load, and land the full amount directly into his stomach. And as his belly was filled with the massive amounts of semen more consistently, the stomach pain subsided.


As the meals persisted his body began to regain the strength loss until then. It was impossible, her semen, being this nutritious. But now he knew she wasn’t just humiliating him. This was conditioning. His jaw getting more flexible, his throat adapting to the flow of the loads, and the body adapting to the nutrients intake. Even if he didn’t comply, (and that was her main goal right now), she wasn’t wasting time, she was preparing for an even further motive. And knowing that, he figured out her next move. It was a complicated feeling, knowing that he was fretting the moment, when she stopped plugging her cock into his mouth.


And eventually the day came, when Amana didn’t. One day after repeating her orders she simply turned around and left the room. Ben understood what was going on, though he still felt a shiver of fear for what came next. She stopped feeding him. He was somewhat glad, but his stomach wasn’t. He couldn’t begin to comprehend what she was, what she did to herself and the people in this place. But he would never  fully know, and in little time those questions weren’t even on his mind. All he was thinking about was the hunger. It repulsed him, the idea that his body was clamoring, begging, for nutrient. And that he knew, undeniably, that any day he could get it. All he had to do was...


“Suck it”


He started crying, anytime she would show up. Everything he learned was being overwritten by what he was experiencing, that he was well fed, well nourished, living only off of her sperm. Now his body was diminishing, slowly thinning, eating itself. When he could instead drink from the fountain of nourishment. But then she would win. And his hate was great.


She approached him, same as any other day, but today he was making a decision.


September 20
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