Examining the Evidence by: rpcity

Cindy blinks at you for a few moments, seemingly still in awe of the whole situation.

"Cindy..." you start, but she cuts you off.

"Yeah, of course Mark. I'll help you," she started, covering herself with her sheets. "But let's see if we can get some kind of an idea of what happened first. Better to go to the doctors with at least a little explanation than just walk in and ask 'Hey can you help my inch tall friend?'"

Cindy had a point. But you still had one significant question.

"Well, that makes sense Cindy. But neither of us can remember last night. How are we going to figure it out?" you asked.

Cindy smiled and picked up her phone.

"By doing a little research. Everyone had their phones out last night. There must be pictures and stories all over Social Media," she said with a gleam in her eye.

Cindy scrolled quickly, pulling up pages and videos from just about everyone she knew at the party. As she scanned, her smile faded. As she watched one specific series of videos, it shifted into an outright frown. You were getting more and more concerned. Just what exactly was she finding?

"Cindy...?" you asked, with worry in your voice.

Your friend looks down at you with a mix of anger, sadness, and disappointment on her face. She holds the phone to you and lets you watch the videos. They're from one of your own accounts.

In the videos, you and Cindy are both clearly drunk, but you start off at your normal size. You see yourself clinging to your 7 foot tall friend, swaying and dancing as you give each other loving looks before moving in for a passionate kiss. That surprised you. You had always liked Cindy, and thought she may have shared similar feelings. But it was never something either of you spoke about. You also didn't know why that video would make her look as unhappy as she did now. You were about to find out.

On autoplay, the next video showed you holding some kind of funky serum you bragged about swiping off of Monica. You overheard her talking about spiking your drink to shrink you and have some fun with you since you seemed to like tall girls so much, but now you were going to use the serum to have some fun of your own. You looked up at Cindy, who had her back turned in this one, and bragged to the camera about how Monica was right. You did like tall girls. You loved tall girls. One specifically.

The next video shows you and Cindy, back at her place where you were now. You look to the camera and give a drunken "Shhh" sign as you set it up on the nightstand to film the act that was to come. You and Cindy got to work disrobing each other. With a huff, Cindy quickly skipped to the next video. You look up at her nervously, unsure that you wanted to see what was coming.

This final video showed you and Cindy still in bed, your friend sleeping soundly. You discreetly drank the shrinking serum and dropping to an inch tall. The room was dark and at your size, you were hard to see. But in the stillness of the room your movement stood out. You saw your small body climb onto Cindy and slowly work your way down to her chest. You saw slight motions and movements in her flesh for a few minutes, but you didn't return. You looked up at Cindy as the video continued to play. Apparently the camera recorded until the battery became too low and auto posted. Your friend was not happy, and now you understood why.

"Cindy, I..." you start, but once again are cut off.

"You love tall girls, huh? Is that how you treat someone you care about Mark? Sharing a private moment like that with the whole world, and then when I'm asleep," she paused for a moment to gather herself. "ASLEEP," she spit the word at you, "You shrink yourself and crawl all over me? Where did you go anyway?" she asks seething.

"Cindy I don't know. I don't remember any of that. I'm so sorry. I was so drunk. That's not me!" you pleaded.

Your friend grabs you and lifts you to her face. Her expression has changed again, to one you can't quite read. You know it's not one of mercy. The anger and sadness is still there, but there's a mixture of desire and lust as well.

"I'm glad the alcohol finally got us to open up. But after watching that, I don't know what to do with you..." she trails off.

You open your mouth, but she gives you a look that tells you that it's best to remain quiet while she makes up her mind. After what feels like an eternity of silence, she seems to have her mind made up. She opens her mouth and says...

October 14, 2023
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