Chapter 3: Proven Theories…
Bug's Eye View Chapter 3

Agatha had little time to appreciate the journey through the tunnels of the Chitinian nest as she was once again popped into the mouth of the drone transporting her. Enamored with her flavor, the drone toyed with her exposed body in a similar fashion as they did before, sucking on her like a piece of candy. Though similarly enjoying the sensations as she had before, and feeling reasonably sure that she was not being viewed as food, she still would occasionally glance towards the yawning throat at the back of the drone’s cave-like mouth. It would flex and *GLURK* occasionally, sucking saliva down the fall of no return, and each time it happened the small woman’s morbid curiosity wondered what would happen if the next swallow included her. Chitinians were omnivores, so it's not like she'd be too far off of something that the drone had eaten before, but how long would digestion take? Could the drone even process something like her as she was? Would the inside look more human or more insect-like? Her mind raced with theories in-between the pleasurable flicks of the drone’s tongue.


Before she could continue her line of mental questioning, or reach another orgasm, the flustered Agatha was once more plucked from the drone’s mouth. She was surprised to not be met with pure darkness, as one might expect to see in an underground cave, but instead with a faint bluish-green glow lighting up what appeared to be a large chamber. The drones had all arranged themselves into perfect lines, like one would expect from an army of trained and disciplined workers. They seemed to be focusing their attention on the source of the glow, a series of bright spots in the center of the room. Agatha couldn’t quite make out what she was seeing, but she wouldn’t need to wonder soon.




In unison, all the workers stomped their feet before falling into a kneeling position. The maneuver shook Agatha up slightly as the drone holding her also fell to one knee. Before she could observe the drones too much further, a rumbling began to come from the center of the room.


“Oh my god…it's her!”


Agatha couldn’t help but get somewhat excited once she realized what she was witnessing. The glowing spots ascended into the air, showing themselves to be bioluminescent spots on the headpiece of none other than the Chitinian Queen. Her compound eyes closely resembled those of the drones, but her antennae were thinner and longer, somewhat curling at the ends. A long chitin head feature sprouted off the back of her head, almost resembling hair in a way. Additionally, a large thorax-like organ jutted out behind her, likely housing the plethora of complicated reproductive organs that a Queen Chitinian needed to keep up her colony’s population. Unlike the drones, the Queen was anything but androgynous in appearance, her body was almost comically endowed, with thick thighs and legs, wide hips, and large breasts held in place by chitin chest pieces that looked similar to that of the drones. A bioluminescent glow emanated from her chest and genital areas, further lighting up the cavern, allowing Agatha to see her in all her glory. On top of all that, the Queen was exponentially larger than the drones in what must have been a scale of at least 10:1. Agatha was the size of an ant to the drones, she must have been close to dust to the Chitinian royal… 

Though the situation was still absolutely terrifying, Agatha at this point couldn’t help but be taken with the first hand view that she was getting. This was a view that some scientists would kill for, and here she was, the first human to be face to face…or well, face to toe with a Chitinian colony. She only wished that she had her damn tape record- 




Her thoughts were interrupted once again as the platform that was the drone’s hand moved swiftly. The drone held its arm out, its palm flat as if holding Agatha on display. A tense silence fell over the chamber, the only sound was the rumbling of the Queen’s movements as she lowered her gargantuan face down to view the drone’s palm. Agatha blushed, the Queen’s features were… beautiful. At the same time the massive being intimidated her to no end. She wished that there was someway to communicate with her, someway that her research had-


*clickicack-* Agatha’s Notes.”


Agatha’s eyes widened. Did. Did she just.


“Aa… Agatha.”


Bewildered, the small woman’s brain practically began to overheat.


“You… You spoke. You just spoke! MY NAME EVEN!”


Agatha began to look around the chamber and saw that all of the small items that she’d placed in the enclosure that the Chitinians had dragged off had ended up here, with the queen. Rows of bottle caps, small pieces of paper, all with various writing and words. Even more surprising, it was almost as if there were attempts to replicate the words on the various objects in the dirt nearby. There was even a small collection of the sharpened sticks that had spurned her investigations of tool use and Chitinian investigation in the first place!


“Agatha’s notes.”


The Queen’s words were slow, deliberate, like she was repeating a noise rather than speaking a language. “Agatha’s Notes…” That’s what Agatha would say any time when speaking into a tape recorder, as she often did while hovering above the Chitinian enclosure. This was huge. Agatha’s Chitinian’s weren’t just displaying tool use, they were collecting items and sorting them, showing attempts at writing, learning an entirely new language! There was no doubt that these creatures were sentient, they had been learning and implementing new ideas based off of her stimuli and experiments.




Agatha jumped in the drone’s palm, shouting loudly in excitement. The movement startled the Queen for a moment, the enormous face flinching backwards before leaning in again to observe the tiny human.


“I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS. I WAS RIGHT, I WAS RIIIIGHT! Wait until I publish my findings, wait until the world knows.. Until the world hears about my…”


As her adrenaline began to fade, excitement began to be replaced with thoughts of despair. The world would never find out about this discovery. She was literally smaller than a bug, with little to no idea how to grow back to normal or even contact someone for help. This incredible knowledge would ultimately go nowhere, trapped in this chamber with her. It wasn’t fair… She fell to her knees, mentally drained from the long day and emotional whirlwind. She fought for survival, thought that she was going to die at least 5 times today, made it all this way to find the biggest discovery in science of the century, and for what? Ironically, in this moment, she felt smaller than ever.




Agatha looked up to see a curious smile on the Queen’s face. Her humongous hand suddenly appeared and plucked the small woman from the drone’s hand. Her fingertips alone felt like moving mountains. The Queen brought her up to her chest, and peeled back one of the chitin pieces to reveal her bare breast. 


“Keep Aaagathaaa.”




“Hey, no, no you can’t!”


Agatha’s protests were useless as the Queen shoved the tiny woman up against her giant nipple. Agatha was pressed hard into the soft flesh, as she turned around, all she saw was the wall that was the Queen’s chitin chest covering returning to its position. 


“Let me go! Wait, waiiii-!”


In just a moment she was sealed in her prison, pressed tight against the Queen’s warm embrace. Her fate, long had it been out of her hands, was now to be decided by the Queen of her Chitinian colony. The Queen, satisfied with adding another precious item to her collection, ordered the drones away. She was tired, and sought to rest once more. Laying onto the ground, she huddled herself up and drifted off to sleep, her prisoner safe and sound close to her…

September 3, 2023
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