Dinnertime with Sophie
Three Wishes Chapter 23

Sophie comes back and opens the drawer taking you out and setting you on the desk.  She has a bottle of water and she pours a little bit in to the cap for you to get a drink.  "See, I didn't forget about you." she tells you, "I even brought you a piece of chicken too" she tells you as she waves it over your head.   "Are you hungry?  Try grabbing it" as she holds it over your head and you jump trying to reach it.  "This is fun." she tells you are she continues to hold it out of your reach. 


"Jump higher" she orders you and you jump up and grab it with both hands but she doesn't let go and you are hanging onto the piece of chicken with all your strength.  "Maybe I'll eat it after all" she says as she lifts it up with you still dangling over her open mouth.   "Yummy" she says as she closes her mouth around you and you are up to your chest in her mouth.  You feel her tongue whipping at you as you try and kick to get free although you have no idea where you could go if you did. 


Sophie spits you out and you land on the land desk and she drops the chicken on top of you "Bon Appetite" she  says as she spits on the chicken laughing.  You are staving so you wipe the spit off and eat as much as you can.  


She watches you  as you eat and says "I've already decided I want you as my little toy and I don't want to share with Amy or these other girls.  I need to figure out how I'm going to keep you a secret until the end of the semester.  It's only a few days and then I leave for my co-op job for the summer.   Any ideas, shorty?"


"No" you tell her, "Why do you want me anyway?"  She thinks for a moment and says "You remind me a bit of my ex.  The stupid ass cheated on me all the time.  Do you believe that?  Would you cheat on your girlfriend if she looked like me?"  You want to placate her and say "No, you're gorgeous.   If I was your guy, I'd never cheat on you."


She smiles and continues "and that's what will make you the perfect toy.   You adore me no matter what I do to you."  You think "Crap, that wasn't what I wanted her to think.  This isn't going well. "  You watch as she peels off her dirty sweat sock and hold it open dropping you inside.  "Amy will be back soon this will have to do until I get a better idea."  she says as she takes the other sock and folds it over trapping you inside.  "There you are nice and safe and the sock will muffle any noise." she tells you as she carries the sock to the closet and drops it in her Ugg boot.  and puts the boots in her closet closing the door.   You  lie in her foot odor miserable but at least you got to eat.  After a while you can hear Amy come in and talk to Sophie about her date before they finally went to bed. 


The next day after Amy leaves for the day Sophie takes you out of the boot and then puts you still trapped in the socks into a side pocket of her backpack as she leaves for class.


August 26, 2023
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