Order The Slave Girl to Return Your Ring
Three Wishes Chapter 11

You come out of hiding and yell at her "Girl, give me back that ring that you just took."  She looks confused at first hearing your voice but not seeing anyone around.  Finally she looks down and sees your tiny four inch body in front of her.  She walks over to you so her bare feet are right in front of you.  You yell again but she just giggles at the sound of your tiny voice and little naked body.


She extends her foot a bit and her big toe collides with you knocking you over and she giggles at you again.  You also realize that she doesn't know you are the sultan being small and naked.  "I am your sultan.  Now give me the ring."  you order her.


She picks you up in her hand and examines you finally speaking "You are too tiny to be our mighty sultan.  Did he have a magician shrink you to punish you?  What were you doing on the floor?  Trying to escape?  You are a bad little man."


You are frustrated with this simple girl who can't understand who you are.    "Just put me down and give me the ring" you try telling her again.  She looks down at you in her hand and says "And what will you give me in return?"   You respond "I will give you diamonds worth more than that ring and your freedom.  Now do it."


She thinks for a moment but she still doesn't think you are the sultan.  She carries you over to a writing desk and sets you down.  She takes the ring out of her pocket and holds it over your head.  "If you want this take it" she tells you as she holds it out of your reach and you jump to try to grab it.  After a few minutes she says "Why do you want this so bad.  There are surely more valuable gems in the palace."  You know that she starting to think about it and you need to tell her more to get her to cooperate.  "It will remove a curse on me and restore me to normal." you tell her.


She then decides to ...





August 17, 2023