Redhead Ass
Three Wishes Chapter 6
Joe slams into her ass and comes face to face with her anus. "Damn,", he thought, "I get a genie and wealth and within 10 minutes I'm already the butt of the joke. This stinks!". He laughs to himself the joke he just made. The problem is that is it hot and uncomfortable. He tried hitting at her ass cheeks but it is of no use and she doesn't feel him in the least bit. It seems like an eternity before relief comes.

She needs to use the bathroom which in this case is a seat over a hole that goes to somewhere in the bowels of the castle's primitive plumbing system. Suddenly her ass doesn't seem so bad and he grabs at anything to keep from falling in. She relaxes her butt cheeks and he finds himself in free fall into darkness and the sewage below.

He tries to stay afloat in this mess but the water isn't flowing that fast and he is some type of crude piping with nowhere to grab on to. He eventually is exhausted and sinks into the sewage drowning him only for his lifeless body to be washed out to the moat outside and below
August 17, 2023
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