Continue to Refuse to Submit to the Mom
Three Wishes Chapter 24
You tell her "No, I am not apologizing. I don't want to be your sex toy." refusing her offer. "Fine" she says "Have it your way but in a couple days I am sure you will change your mind." She carries you to the dining room and she gets down one of those drum style fish bowls like you see goldfish in. She sets it on the table and drops you inside. It's too high to get out of and there is nothing but the cold hard glass surface to lay on. She fills a medicine cup with some water and lowers it in with you. "Pleasant dreams" she says and she leaves to go to bed.

The next morning you are greeted by the mom making breakfast and she tosses in a scrap of toast for you. Marie comes in and sees you in the bowl and bangs on the side. Her mom comes over and says "Now Marie. I've decided that the little man can stay here in this bowl and you can take him out to play with him but when you are at school or out or sleeping, he needs to go back in the bowl. Also don't tell anyone about him or show him to your friends. OK?" Marie responds "OK Mommy" and comes over to you and says "I have school today" but when I get home you can come to my room and play."

You are worried by what you got yourself into but figure maybe she'll get careless and you can escape. They eventually leave and the hours tick by before the both come home. Marie reaches in a grabs you up and carries you to her room while her mom starts to make dinner. Marie drops you on the floor by a pile of toys and dolls and says "I don't have any dolls as small as you so I cant dress you up but you can be Barbie's baby brother. She makes up some story forcing you to play along but it isn't too bad.

Then she finds a little girl doll with a dress and she takes it off the doll and tells you to put it on over the toga you are still wearing. It's pink and flowery and you say "I don't want to wear that" but she slammed her fist down next to you scaring you and says "I said put it on or I will." You are scared so you comply and it comes down to the floor on you and looks ridiculous. "You look better as a little girl. I like that."

You hear her mother call her for dinner and she picks you up and carries you to dinner setting you on the table next to her. "Look mommy" she says "He's a little girl now" pointing at you. "Perfect" her mom says as she sets down a bottle cap with green mush in it and a tiny toy plastic spoon, "Here's some baby food and a spoon for you to feed the baby girl." She laughs at you as she goes back to finishing dinner.

Meanwhile, Marie got the spoon and gets a spoonful of the awful smelling baby food and pushes it toward you saying "Open up little girl." You say "I can feed myself" but she picks you up in her fist and squeezes you and replies "No, I need to feed my little baby girl" and stuffs the spoon in your mouth. This continues until her dinner is served and she leaves you alone to eat. After dinner her mom cleans up and Marie says "I wish I could take you to school. My friends would love you.": and you are glad that her mom set a few boundaries with her.

After dinner Marie asks you "do you want to watch TV or play a game?"
August 17, 2023
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