Tell her about how Marie treated you
Three Wishes Chapter 27
· original author:
You decide your best chance to stop Marie's incessant oogling of you is to let Lisa know how she's treated you. So you stand naked on Lisa's hand and you explain how Marie made you eat her spit up food, poured water on you, tried grabbing you, and even threatened to take you to her school!

The whole time Lisa listens and nods. "I expected this," she says with a sigh after you finish your story, "she just wants to play with you that's all, it's my fault for hogging you all to myself."

"Wait," you pause, unsure of what she means, "I don't want to be with Marie, she just wants to use me like some toy!"

"Well so do I," Lisa says, "Just...a different type of toy. Anyway, it's unfair for me to keep you away from her, after all she IS the one who found you!"

"I don't care about that!" you say defensively, "If she hadn't found me I'd be safe with my girlfriend right about now!"

Suddenly Lisa's face goes from gentle to stern, "What did I say about bringing up your girlfriend little toy? You know maybe I have pampered you too much, I think it's Marie's turn to have some fun with you."

Before you can object Lisa's hand wraps around you in a tight fist, knocking the wind out of you, and carries you throughout the house. Eventually she pushes open a door and inside you see Marie, now dressed in a comfy looking pair of pajamas, in the corner putting away toys and dolls.

"Marie," Lisa says, "I have a surprise for you!"

"What is it Mom?" Marie says, turning around and walking over.

"Well I think it's time you had a little bit of fun with our new friend Joe?" Lisa says, holding you out for her daughter to grab.

Marie wastes no time and snatches you out of her mother's hands and pulling your small form into a tight hug, "Oh thank you thank you thank you mom!" Marie squeals.

"Now," Lisa says, "Be very careful with him alright? He will sleep in your room tonight and you can play more with him in the morning. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" Marie says, as her mother walks out, closing the door behind her.

Marie then lifts you up to her face where she gets a better look at you.

"I told you I'd get to play with you eventually," Marie says with a triumphant smile, "Now tonight you are going to sleep in...."
August 17, 2023
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