Take me to Debbie at Victoria's Secrets
Three Wishes Chapter 23
They agree to help you get back to Debbie since the store isn't that far out of their way. Once they finish eating the blond takes you up in her fist and they carry you to the store. "This is almost too easy.", you think to yourself.

They go up to the counter and you hear the girl carrying you ask "If Debbie is working today?" The salesgirl at the counter answers that she just left for her break and won't be back for 30 minutes. The girls thank her and then move toward another part of the store where no one is around. "Listen little guy, we've got places to be. So do you want us to just leave you hear or go back to our place and we can come back here another day?"

You think it over and decide to stay there. After all Debbie will be back soon and then this will all be over. "OK", says the blond as she sets you down and you see their enormous feet in flip flops surrounding you. "Good luck", they tell you as they leave. You look around and see you are in the section with sexy nightwear and look where to hide. You don't have much time as two woman come over to check out the merchandise. You run to avoid their steps and hide under a rack as you hear the one talk about how she plans to surprise her husband with a new outfit. Eventually they move on when you decide to work your way back to the counter.

As you are making your way while trying to hide from giant women you hear someone say, "Hey Deb. There were two girls here looking for you but they did say what they wanted." You head Debbie reply, "What they look like as they walked off to the back room.

You continue to work your way back when suddenly a shadow falls over you and your hear someone say, "What the hell...". You turn and look up to see a women probably in her early thirties staring down at you. You watch as she bends down and encircles your body this her thumb and index finger and lift you up to her chest. "Thank you", you tell her, "I need your help to get back to my girlfriend. She works here." She smiles down at you and tells you, "Now shush up sweetie. You're too cute and unique to give away. You're coming home with me." as she lowers you into her open purse and snaps it shut leaving you in darkness.
August 17, 2023