Debbie and her Mom Find You in Time
Three Wishes Chapter 28
It's late at night when you are awakened by noise of someone coming into Stacy's room. It is Debbie and her mom. who wake Stacy up and Debbie asks "OK, I know you took him so where is he?" Stacy sits up and acts innocent saying "I don't know what you are talking about."

Debbie starts opening drawers and looking around the room and her mom continues "We better not find him in her or you are in big trouble." You start screaming as loud as you can to get their attention and Debbie quickly zeros in on the bookbag and starts searching it. "Get out of there. That's my personal property." as she jumps out of bed but it is too late as Debbie unzips the pocket and pulls you out. "Give him to me." Stacy yells at her sister. "He is mine now. He pledged his love to me and to be my slave last night.. Tell them."

Her mom interrupts and says "You know how I feel about boys in your rooms. This is totally unacceptable." Stacy is trying to appeal to her mom but it makes matters worse saying "I wasn't going to keep him here. I was going to give him to one of my friends to hold. He was going to serve us all as goddesses. Tell them that you are my slave forever."

Debbie held you up and asked if it was true and you reply "She tortured me to get me to say that. Please get me out of here." Debbie turned to her mom and said "This is ridiculous. He is staying with me now on, like it or not at least until we figure something better out." Debbie leaves her mom and sister and takes you back to her room.

She puts you back in the birdcage and says "You'll be safe with me. I'm not going to leave you alone where Stacy can get a hold of you again." She takes a small lock and puts it on the birdcage door and put the key on a chain around her neck as she gets ready to go back to sleep.

You lay in the bottom of the cage wondering what will happen to you.

August 17, 2023