Continue Playing Baby With Jamie
Three Wishes Chapter 20
"OK", you tell her figuring if you play along with her you'll eventually be able to reason with her. I'd like some breakfast. Maybe some eggs and bacon."

"Silly baby", she tells you while exposing her breast again. You're too little for grown-up food". She shoves you against her nipple forcing you to suck her warm milk again. The milk makes you drowsy and compliant to her as she tries to burp you which she succeeds in doing.

You are half out of it as she takes you in the other room and lies you on a soft blanket on the sofa next to her as she drinks coffee and watches daytime TV. After a while you are starting to feel a bit better and start looking around for an escape but she gets a piece of cotton material and wraps it around your body trapping in like you are in a cocoon. She lays you back on the blanket and then gets up to leave. "Mommy has to do some housework. You lie there like a good baby and I'll take you shopping later.

She goes off to clean up and you are stuck laying on your side watching daytime talk shows. She keeps busy around checking on you occasionally. Eventually you have to go to the bathroom but she is off cleaning the bedroom and you soil your diaper which is embarrassing but not as bad as when she finds you and has to clean and change you. All of this is making you feel like an actual baby and you know you need to get out of there before she brainwashes you.

In the late afternoon she is back on the couch watching TV with you again but at least you aren't wrapped in the cocoon again when .....
August 17, 2023