Escape the bowl.
Three Wishes Chapter 18
While Lindsey is slowly picking up and eating fruit blindfolded you climb over the fruit and out of the bowl. You look across the table for a place to escape as you know you don't have much time. You spot her laptop is sitting on the table and the power supply is plugged in. You rush over and climb down the cord hoping to get away in time. You run to the next room and there is a sofa nearby which is pretty low to the ground and you run for it as you can hear her discovering you aren't in the bowl and looking for you yelling threats of what she will do if you don't show yourself.

You make it to the sofa before she comes in the room. "Come out now", she announces, "and I'll forgive you and won't try to eat you again. "But if you don't come out and I have to find you I will do far worse to you and you won't die. You'll just suffer. Last chance. I'll give you to the count of 10 she says as she slowly starts to count down.

You quickly assess your chances. She will probably find you and if she doesn't you'll still need food and water to survive until you find a way to escape. You decide to
August 17, 2023