Agree to Play Along
Three Wishes Chapter 18
You agree to play along with Katherine's fantasies and she unzips her purse and puts you inside zipping it up. You wait until darkness and she gets home and takes you back out of her purse. "Now little man" we are going to play out all my fantasies and any new ones I think of as much as I want. Now I have a roommate Whitney and she doesn't need to know about you and my kinky side so you'll be staying in my room unless she's not home and I bring you out."

She sits down on the sofa and takes off her sandals. "Little man" she tells you, "You can start by worshiping at your goddess feet. Do a good job and you will get a reward." She wiggles her bare toes at you and says "you better try your best or we'll keep doing this until you get it right."

You get on your hands and knees and bow to her playing along and saying "Thank you goddess for allowing me to live with you. You are the most wonderful goddess." She giggles at your comment as you prostrate yourself in front of her feet. "Kiss my toes" she orders you and you crawl forward and comply to her wishes. The sweat and dirt on her feet make you gaga but you know you don't want to piss her off.

When she is finally satisfied, she says "Good job. I think you deserve a hug" and spreads her first two toes and grabs you around the middle. Her toes clench you tightly and she lifts you off the ground and crosses her leg leaving you suspended over the floor. "Oh my" she says "Look how helpless my little boy toy is." You try and say something but she is holding you so tightly, you can't speak. "I've wanted my own little man to play with since I outgrew dolls and now I have you. There are so many things I want to do with you."

Just then there is a noise as the apartment door is being unlocked. Katherine snatches you from her toes and shoves you down the back of her sweatpants. You slide down until you are pinned by her ass cheek. "Not a word" she says as the door opens and she continues "Hey Whit. How was the shopping trip?" They continue making chit chat as you stay pinned under her ass. You hope this won't last too long and when you hear Whitney say "I need to put this stuff away and we can catch up later." and goes into her bedroom.

Katherine pulls you out once the coast is clear and heads to her bedroom locking the door behind her. She drops you on her bed and lies down on her stomach propping herself up with her arms so she still towers over you. "Did you enjoy my bootie little one?" she asks you. "It was nice goddess" you reply, "but so hot and hard to breathe." She looks down at you and says "You better get used to hot and hard to breathe because we'll be doing more of that."

She used her finger to play with you for a while and then tells you "I'm going to give you a special treat for being so good today." She sits up and you watch as she removes her top and bra throwing them aside and displaying her breasts for you. They are fantastic and you just keep staring up at them. "You like?" she asks "Want a closer look?" She slowly lowers herself down not waiting for your response until you can see nothing other than breasts in from of you. "I want the biggest wettest kisses you can give me.:" she tells you as her erect nipple pokes you in the face.

You respond kissing them wildly and thinking maybe this isn't so bad. This seems better than your situation with Lindsey. She moans quietly and leans so her breast totally mold around your body and you are unable to breathe. The heat and sweat are worse than it was being pinned against her ass. You try to fight her off and hit her breasts with your arms but it has no effect. You think you are going to pass out when she finally relents and lifts her breast off you. You cough and try to catch your breath as she says "You can't ignore my left side" as she shifts and brings her other nipple in view for a repeat treatment. Fortunately this time she doesn't press down on you and instead continues to use her finger stoking you off and giving you a boner.

"I see you like me." she giggles, "Would you like a kiss?" You nod weakly and her head comes down and give you a long wet kiss leaving you soaked in her saliva You wipe it from your face as she picks you up and stands looking around the room. "Now where will a keep you when I'm not around?" she asks herself as she looks around the room. She opens her nightstand drawer and places you inside. "This will have to do for now." she says and you look and see a vibrator bigger than you along side you. "Ooh, my two little men finally meet. Well he is make believe but you are the real thing. We'll have to see if are better than him." She slides the drawer shut leaving you in darkness to rest up while she goes about her business.

August 17, 2023