Sophie Returns
Three Wishes Chapter 30
The next day you are fortunate that Lexi leaves you alone in the morning while she has other things to do. It's about noon when she comes back in her room and she has Sophie with her. "Seems we have a problem" Sophie tells you both "I told my roommate for the summer about the little guy and she doesn't want him staying with us. Worse yet the lease is in her name so I don't have much choice. What are we going to do with him for the summer?"

Lexi answers "I didn't mind watching him for you for a week but I have my whole summer planned and although he's fun to play with I don't want to be looking after him for months. What about Cindi?" referring to their younger sister. "No" Sophie replies "She's only ten and I don't want her hanging with a little naked twenty something year old. Plus she will get careless and he'll either get away or mom will find out about him. Do yo have any friends that want a pet? They would need to keep him a secret." Lexi thinks for a minute and replies "Not really. You could give him back to Amy, right?"

You yell out "That's a good idea" but Sophie swings your cage and you get knocked into the bar and to the floor of the cage. "Shut up tiny. We're thinking." A minutes later Sophie's eye's get wide and she says "I have the perfect solution. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it before. Mrs. Saint." Lexi looks confused and asks "Who is that?"

"She's the sorority house mother. She's in her early forties and is a widow with no kids. After her husband died, she became the new house mother last year. She lives in a separate apartment in the rear of the sorority house. She told me she was so lonely after her husband died in a construction accident. They were childhood sweethearts and now she can't bring herself to try dating. I bet she'd love a little man to keep her company."

Lexi says "That's so nice of you to help her out. It's perfect." Sophie opened the cage and take you out in her fist and says with her breath washing over you. "Does that sound great even though she's technically old enough to be your mom?" and they both laugh at her comment. "Come on Sophie, you can just take me to Amy." She smiles at you and says "No way. This way I can come see you and maybe even babysit you when she's away." and opens her bag to stuff you in.

Lexi asks "Oh, can I give him a good-bye kiss?" Sophie looks a bit confused but says "sure and hand you over to Lexi who hold you in her fist with your arms pinned to the side and just your head sticking out. She brings you up to her face like she is going to kiss you but instead her tongue comes out licking your face several times before she sticks your head into her mouth and closes her lips around you and sucks on you covering you in her saliva. She says "Bye bye tiny" and hand you back to Sophie who drops you in her bag and zips it up. Sophie hangs out for a while with her sister and gets lunch while you are safely trapped in her bag before she decides to get back to the campus.

You are not happy with what Sophie decided to do with you but maybe it will be better than going off to her summer internship with her. You hear her get out of the car and walk to the read of the sorority house and knock on the door of the rear apartment. You hear a woman answer and she goes in. You can hear Sophie telling Mrs. Saint a story. She tells her that the sorority found a man that had shrunk down to only a few inches tall and that they were abusing him. She decided to rescue you and bring you to her for safekeeping. She also tells her that this needs to be a secret between them because the other girls would be mad if they found out what she did. At this point she opens her purse and takes you out setting you down on the table.

You look up and this woman is staring back at you. She is good looking for her age and seems like a decent person so you think you are ok. "You say "Hello" to her and she smiles and says "He talks too?" Sophie nods and says "He does anything you need. Just tell him what you want." Mrs. Saint thinks for a moment and extends her hand out to you and says "Get on your knees and kiss my hand." You comply trying not to make trouble and she smiles at your response. "He seems very trainable." she tells Sophie and you don't like the sound of that.

Sophie tells her "Yes, he can be charming but don't let him deceive you. He's very resourceful and will run away if you aren't careful. Mrs. Saint picks you up and hold you lying on your back in her palm and brings you up to her face and sways "You're going to be a good little boy and be obedient for me and not try and run away. Right?" She gently strokes your naked body with her fingertip and you respond "Yes". She give you a tap on the chest with her finger and says "That's, yes Mistress."

"Very good" she tells you closing her hand around you. She turns to Sophie and says "I'm managing a house of full size college girls. I'm sure I can handle this little guy. Thanks Sophie. He'll be our secret and you can come visit when you get back in the fall. Sophie stands up to leave and says "OK, well I have to get back to packing. You guys have fun." Mrs. Saint sees her out and replies "I am sure we will."

Once Sophie is gone, she looks down at you and says "There are so many things for us to do I can't wait to get started." She takes you to

August 17, 2023