Life of the Party
Three Wishes Chapter 29
· original author:
After showing you off to a young group of teenagers, she places you back into her pouch, looks at the time on her phone, and heads back to her car. You sit idly in your pouch, as her tremendous legs walk around you.

She drives to a new home you’ve never seen and walks into what is a large party. Blaring music surrounds your world as she walks through a crowd of people. She hugs and greets some friend of her, a black woman about her age in skirt and you can tell from the hug no underwear. They talk for a few minutes before she takes you out.

You are dropped into the cupped hands of this new woman, and you catch a glimpse of the top half of her body. She has braids down to just below her shoulders, green eyes, and a pretty face. She squeals in delight upon seeing you, inching her face forward. Her bursts of excitement hurts your eardrums and causes a wind that knocks you over. She plants a kiss across your chest and face as you lay helpless on your back, whispering suggestively at you in a foreign language.

She begins to hand you back, but your captress insists this woman keeps you for a second while she gets some food. What does she do?
August 17, 2023