talk it over with Kelli and Lori when they get ...
Three Wishes Chapter 24
Anya decides to wait and talk to Kelli and Lori about you to get their story and you beg her to reconsider. "Shut up tiny", she tells you, "You forget rule number two already. Say one more word and I'll gag you." You get the message and shut up knowing full well what will happen.

It isn't two long before the door bell rings and Anya grabs you to go answer it. She drops you on the kitchen table and goes to open the door and greet her friends. They are making small talk in the living room and finally you hear Anya tell them to come in the kitchen to see her birthday gift. They all walk in and sure enough it is the same Kelli and Lori from the sorority and know what will happen next.

"Oh my God", says Lori, "How did you find him? We've been looking for this little guy all day. We were suppose to take him to dinner at the sorority tonight and he escaped. We got in so much trouble asnd they are going to kick us out of the pledge class. You saved us."

"Wait a minute", Anya says, "You really know this guy. He told me you did but I didn't believe him. How did you get him?"

Lori continues, "We got him from our sorority president Audrey and we were suppose to teach him some tricks and take him back for dinner but we lost him. How did you get him?"

"My mom found him on campus wandering and brought him home. He's my little pet now.", Anya replies, "He belongs to me."

"Anya, we have to take him back or they're going to kick us out after a whole year of pledging. If you give him to us, we'll tell Audrey that you found him and you'll get an automatic pledge invite when you are a freshman next year.", Lori tells her.

Meanwhile you try to speak up but Kelli grabs you up off the table in her fist and squeezes you, "Shut up while the big people are talking, tiny", she growls, "You caused us enough trouble already."

Anya thinks for a moment and says, OK, but you better get me in as the head of the pledge class next year and you are both going to owe me big time." You continue to try protesting but Kelli squeeze the air out of you every time you try to speak.

"We still need to teach him a trick and get him back to the sorority house tonight.", Kelli reminds them. "I have an idea. Why don't I teach him one of my cheer leading routines. He'd look hilarious doing it naked. In fact I think I might still have some music we can use on my phone." The girls all laugh at the idea and you just groan. Kelli releases you on to the table and Anya brings up the music and demonstrates the steps. They strip you down and make you learn each part step by step. They want you to do a cartwheel but you can't do it so they make you do a barrel roll instead and they all crack up laughing at your expense. They make you do the routine over and over until they are all satisfied that it's good enough. Anya tells you that your actually terrible but it is funny which doesn't make you feel any better.

Once they're done they pile into Kelli's car and drive over to the sorority house to find Audrey and Cassandra to show you to them They get there and there are about eight girls hanging out in the living room including Audrey and Cassandra. Audrey looks up at them and says, "I'm surprised you had the nerve to show your face in here again. We'll be removing you from the pledge class tomorrow so I guess this is goodbye."

"Not so fast", says Lori as she pulls you out of her jacket pocket and you naked form tumbles onto a messy coffee table in front of Audrey, "Our friend Anya helps us find the little guy. He's pretty tricking at escaping."

"OK, little guy, show us that trick we were promised and I'll forgive these two.", Audrey says and on cue Anya starts the music on her phone." You go through the routine like they taught you including the barrel roll and all the girls are laughing hysterically. You add a little tada and a flourish at the end.

Audrey picks you up and takes a hit of weed from a vape they were sharing before you showed up and slowly blows it in your face causing you to cough uncontrollably. "You girls are good and thanks Anya. We appreciate your help and I assume you can keep this entire episode to yourself?"

Anya nods and says "Sure" adding, "That she plans to pledge in the fall."

Audrey takes another hit blowing in into your face again before handing it to Anya and saying, "We should all celebrate the return of our little mascot while you little guy need to chill out and stop trying to run away. This is your home and we are all your big sisters, right girls." They all agree with her while Ayna, Kelli and Lori sit down to join them. Audrey drops you back on the coffee table and you scramble to get some distance from her. You look back to see if she is coming after you and you run into a hand that closes on you.

You are picked up off the table and brought up to the face of a cute fair skinned redhead. She purses her lips and blows you a kiss before re-positioning you with her index finger and thumb wrapped around your chest while the rest of you dangles down. Her fingertip touched your member and she stokes it getting it hard. "See little guy", Audrey tells you, "You belong here with your big sisters. We know what's best for you."

The redhead continues to coo and you and make baby sounds while stroking you off. You are rock hard but you can't grab your member and she keeps teasing you and not doing quite enough to make you release. Finally she release you set you back down on the table and you almost involuntary grab your dick and after a few pulls shoot out a stream on the table satisfying yourself. Just then you realize there are eleven girls watching you do this and are embarrassed.

Audrey leans in toward you and says, "Now jacking off in front of your big sisters is not becoming for our sorority mascot." She poke you with her finger knocking you over, "Now get on your hand and knees and apologize to them for your uncouth behavior. "But she made me do it", you tell her pointing at the redhead who makes a pout back at you.

Audrey leans closer, "She did't do it. She puts you down. You did it all by yourself. Now apologize to all the girls for what you did or I'll let Mia punish you for accusing her." You know not to push this and you get on all fours and make a genuine apology to everyone for you bad behavior. Audrey says, "Good" when you finish and then continues, "Now lick up your mess you made on our coffee table or Mia will crush you with any body part she wants. You don't challenge her this time and crawl over licking up your own cum.

"Good boy", Audrey says as she picks you up and stands to leave, "Ladies you have a good night but I need to find a safe place to keep our little escape artist till tomorrow." She carries you upstairs to her room and set you on her desk and says, "Now where to put you for the night." She walks across the room and picks up an small ornamental bird cage. "I bought this for you before I found out you escaped. She put you inside and bends a paperclip around the latch to secure the cage door. You then watch as she removes a hanging plant from a chain hanging from the ceiling and attaches the cage to the chain so you are eye level with her. She smiles at you and says "Perfect, see no expense spared for our new mascot's accommodations. And I also took the precaution of installing a sweep on my door so even if you get out of there you aren't getting out of my room. She took a scarf and draped it over the cage blocking my view of the room. "Get some rest", she says, "You'll have a big day tomorrow."

The cage isn't big enough for you to lay down but you sit down and with your back leaning against the bars. "How much worse can this get you think as you doze off to some much needed sleep.
August 17, 2023
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