Anya Keeps You a Secret
Three Wishes Chapter 24
Anya tells you "I'm going to do you a big favor and keep you a secret but now you owe me for saving you from the mean sorority girls." She laughs "I didn't think you could get any lower but you just did." She drops you to the floor and extracts her bare foot from her flip-flop and positions it in front of you. "Here you can start thanking me by cleaning between my toes." You look at her huge foot and say "I don't have anything to clean them with."

Before you can react, her foot slips forward and she grabs you head and neck between her first two toes and squeezes you. "You forgot your manners already. Do as you are told and no questions. Now you can use your tongue to clean them" she says as she releases you and you collapse in front of her foot. "Now!" she yells at you and you get to your feet. Her outstretched foot comes back and grabs you again between her two first toes but this time you are all the way in and against the inside of her toes. "Start licking" she orders and you comply not wanting to be punished again. She flips on the TV and starts watching while you continue to work.

You finally finish and your mouth feel worse than you can ever remember but you are finished when you hear her say, "Hmm, the bottom of my feet have been getting dry lately. "Here you can rub lotion on them for me" she says as she takes a large container of moisturizer and squirts some into a small dish that she sets down next to you. "Chop chop, get to it tiny" she says as she goes back to watching TV. and playing on her phone.

The doorbell rings and she jumps up and says "They're here. Are you sure you don't want to see them." Before you can answer she continues "Of course not. You are devoted to me and only me." She picks up the sunglasses case and you say "Please mistress anywhere but in there again." She looks at you with a bit of a scowl and you immediately know you broke the rules again but instead she puts the case back down and picks you up heading for her closet. "Since you were such a foot boy tonight, you'll enjoy this." You see her pick up a high cowboy boot and before you can say anything she drops you inside the tilted boot and you slide down to the bottom. "Smell good?" she giggles as she sets the boot down and leaves to go let her friends in.

You try pushing on the side of the boot to make it tip over but to no avail. After you give up you figure this may be your last time to rest for a while and lay down and get some sleep.
August 17, 2023
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