Round 2
Three Wishes Chapter 16
· original author:
She takes you out and dangles your wet body in front of her face.

“That was good,” she states. “But you’re going to need to do better to satisfy my like I am used to.”

You whimper as she brings you back in between her thighs.

“Now, I want to feel you every inch of your body moving inside of me. We don’t want to tell Zavia that her toy is defective, right?”

She slams you back inside, face first this time. You can’t breathe as she stuffs you up to your waist inside. You start clambering to breath, pushing desperately against her the tight walls of her flesh. You can tell by her movements that she’s getting pleasure from this.

“More! More!” she shouts. You start shaking and moving more.

“I said, MORE!” she screams, barking an order and expressing her pleasure.

As if to emphasis the need for more, she takes a nearby needle and pokes your exposed harshly, piercing your anal region in shooting pain for a second or two. You panic and start clawing everything around you. You try to shout, but you only ingest her fluids.

“Yes, that’s it. Now, even MORE!”

She presses the needle up your anus, holding it there for at least thirty seconds. The needle felt hot: she must have held it under a flame for a few seconds. Your body moves into a full panic from the pain, arms and head swiping against everything it can to break free and legs kicking against the air. She pushes you inside fully and closes the gap. You thrash about in total panic as she orgasms. You feel fluids discharge all around you, but she won’t let you out. You last for about forty-five more seconds before you faint from loss of oxygen.

Eventually you wake up lying on the bed in front of her giant feet.

“You don’t seem to last long in there. Do you?” She bellowed, chuckling.
August 17, 2023