Playtime With Olivia
Three Wishes Chapter 18

After Olivia is done with dinner, she carries you in the coffee cup over to an area that has a small couch with a TV setup in front of it.  She sits cross-legged on bed and turns on the TV.  She lifts you out of the coffee cup and sets it aside.  She examines you and is fascinated by your tiny dick.  She uses her finger to play with it and starts to get hard and she smiles at you "Oh, I see all your parts work too." as she continues to play with you.  The combination of her finger, her sexy voice and her warm breath washing over you makes you so horny that you can't take it.  You grab your dick and jerk off in the palm of her hand.  


Olivia sees your reaction and says "Did my little Joey get turned on by me?  How cute." as she brings you up to her mouth and presses your hard on against her lips and her the tip of her tongue plays with your dick.  When she pulls back you grab your dick again and yank on it.  She giggles at you saying "I made you do it again.  I wonder how many times in a row I can make you cum?"  


She lowers you down and drop you onto the couch between her folded legs.  "My show is on but we can play more later." she tells you as you lose her attention and watches the TV.  You can't see anything and decide to climb out of her lap.  Her foot is the lowest spot so you start to climb it to escape her lap.  You make it to the top and then begin to climb down the other side down to the edge of the couch.   As you get down you are met by her hand that grabs you up bringing you to her face.  "Where do you think you are going?" she asks you "My little man needs to stay where I but him.  You are too cute and tiny to wander around here.   You might get stepped on." 


She moves to drop you back in her lap and you say "I just wanted to see the TV with you." and instead she sets you down on her leg so you can see the TV and she goes back to watching.  You can see the TV but your are balanced between a drop back into her lap or to the edge of the couch and possibly the floor.  You focus on trying not to fall off as she is oblivious to what you are doing.  


After a few minutes, Olivia starts laughing at something on TV and she shakes enough to knock you off your perch and you fall back down into her lap.  This time you decide to stay put as you know trying to escape now isn't going to work.  When she is done watching TV she turns it off and pluck you from her lap saying "Oh, I see my little boy toy is still horny." as she plays with your dick and gets it hard again.  "I bet you can't wait to play with me in bed but you're so tiny I doubt you could satisfy a big girl like me."  


This girl is an unbelievable tease and you are falling for it and yell back "Yes, I can.  I can do things not normal size can do."  She carries you  over to the bed and deposits you on her comforter while she gets ready for bed and says "Such bravado from such a little man.  We'll see how you do." She changes into a short silky t-shirt that her breasts push out and a pair of silky shorts boxers and see stands over the bed looking down and you and says "Ready to play?"  You shake your head numbly to the affirmative and she climbs in the bed. 


Olivia is on all hours over you and lowers her self in a sweeping motion that lets the material of the shirt brush over you.  The third time she does it her breast contacts you and knocks you over onto your back.  You look up and she is sitting straight up and you are entranced as she removed the top and says "We don't need this getting in the way." and then comes back down lowers one of her nipples in your face.  You immediately grab it the best you can and cover it with the biggest kisses you can muster.  You hear her let out a moan and you know you are having an effect on her and keep kissing.


She starts to pull away and you try to hold on but after a second you fall back to the bed.  "Other side" she murmurs as she comes back down with the other nipple for you to kiss which you do in earnest.  She pulls away after several minutes but before you can react her fingers are at you again lifting you away from the bed. 


Olivia rolls over on to her back and holds you by your ankles over her nipple as she says "Kiss, kiss."   She lowers you down and you begin kissing it furiously.  She giggles at you as she moves you to her other nipple to continue your treatment.   After she is satisfied, she gives her breast a solid shack and you tumble off to the center of her chest with boobs on each side of you.


Olivia says "I think my little-bitty horny man is hot for his new owner.  Well your a good kisser but we have more to try but first I owe my little cutie a hug.  She uses her arms to push her breasts together burying you in her boob flesh.  You can't move or breathe and your sure you are a goner when she releases her grip and you tumble out onto her chest.  


When she releases you got stumbling away from her chest to escape another hug.  You instinctively run down her chest to her stomach to avoid her breasts.  You keep going as fast as you can but your foot gets caught in her belly button and you fall face first.  You hear her laughing and release she was watching you the whole time.  She says "My little boy toy is so excited that he can't wait to get in my pants!  Well too bad, because you are going to have to wait.  No pussy on the first night.  It's a rule I don't break even for tiny little men.  Now where can you sleep tonight?   I'd let you sleep in my bed but I'm afraid you might try to take advantage of my while I'm sleeping.  Sorry."


She gets out of bed and carries over to her dresser.  She open a drawer and there are several stacks of folded panties.  She sets you atop of on of the piles and says "Nighty night cutie"  as she slides the door shut.



February 24
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