Give in to Indira
Three Wishes Chapter 23

You are beat by her feet and you agree to her terms getting down on your knees and kissing her toes as she watches you from above.  Once she is satisfied with your performance, she stands up leaving you on the floor she tells you "I still need to punish you for calling me a bitch.  You know you are the little bitch here and I'll need to think of an appropriate punishment for you.  However, right now I'm tired from work so that will have to wait until tomorrow."


She goes to her kitchen cabinet looking for something and leaving you on the floor.  You think about running but you have no idea where to go and you don't want to anger her again as you're still feeling the effects that her feet had on you.


You here her say "Perfect" and you see her get a large round fishbowl down from a shelf.  "This was from a terrarium I used to have." she says as she sets it down on the kitchen table.  You start to run but you are no match for her and she grabs you up in her fingers.  "Going somewhere, tiny?" she asks as she carries you over to the bowl and drops you into the opening at the top.  "That's a good fit." she says as she carries the bowl into the living room setting it down on  a coffee table.


Indira sets down and turns on the TV putting her bare feet up on the coffee table in front of you.  You look at your prison which is more than twice your height and maybe ten inches across.  The walls curve out and them back in halfway up making them impossible to climb. 


After a while she turns off the TV and gets up to go bed.  You ask "Can I have something to eat and drink?  I'm dying in here."  She goes in kitchen and comes back with a couple pieces of dry cereal and drops them in the opening.  She then takes a cup of water and pours a couple ounces in soaking you and the cereal of the floor of the bowl.  "There you go little bitch, drink up." and leaves you alone as you try to salvage something to eat and rink the water from the floor of the bowl.  When you are done, the bowl still has plenty of water in the bottom and you sit in it and try to sleep.  With a full stomach, it is easy to sleep even in these horrible conditions. 


While you are sleeping you dream that Indira has decided to incorporate you into her stripper act.  She starts by forcing you to be subservient to her kissing her feet that encased in stiletto heels.   She follows this but dancing around you and nearly stepping on you several times.  Next she picks you up while dancing spinning you wildly around and tossing you in the air before catching you.  She is stripped down to a g-string now and she ends her act by making you kiss her nipple before she deposits you in the front of her g-string.  Apparently no one realizes you are a real person and thinks she is play acting.  She makes the rounds to the crowd collecting tips and and a few men rub her crotch driving you into her pussy where she leaves you until just before the next act.


You wakes up in a sweat and realize it was just a dream but also that she could do all of that for real and you shudder.  After a little while, you are able to fall back asleep until Indira comes back out in the morning.  She shakes the bowl waking you up before she goes in the kitchen to get coffee.  She comes back with her coffee and looks at you trapped in the bowl and says "I've been thinking about your punishment.  I need to go out for the day to do a bunch of things and I'm going to take you.   The question is where I'm going to put you.  Let's make this fun and I'll let you decide.  Would you like to be by my feet for the day or tucked in my underwear.


You worry about what she might have in mind in either case and decide telling her...

October 11, 2023