Hitch a Ride in a Mystery Backpack
Three Wishes Chapter 21

You jump in the bag and hide as deeply as you can until the class it over and she put her notebook back in the bag and zips it up carrying you away to hopefully a better place although not much could worse then Sophie.  


Eventually she enters a building and climbs  a flight of steps before entering a room and closing her door.  You think about those legs and pretty nails and know your luck is about to change.  She unzips the bag and dumps the contents out on her bed and you coming tumbling out too and you hear her say "Well I'll be damned."   You look up and to your surprise you see it is that sorority girl,  Cassandra that was in Audrey's room before you met Amy and Sophie.    She smiles down at you she walks over and locks the door.  Then she comes back and start putting all her books back in the bag "This stuff can wait for later" she says eyeing you up "Momma got a new toy to play with." 


She reaches down and picks you up in her fist and says "Audrey told me that you escaped and they never found you and there you were in my bag all along.  I get it.  You saw me in Audrey's room and wanted to be with me so you ran away from Audrey to find me.  Well don't worry.  No one needs to know that I found you.  After all, I hate sharing." 


"Well thanks for helping me." you tell her hoping to get on her good side.  Cassandra laughed at your comment and continues "Listen , you are going to be my little fuck buddy.  You'll learn to give me the perfect orgasm and then you'll get me off whenever and wherever I am.    Better than a vibrator and you don't have batteries."    You watch as she strips down to nothing and stand akimbo over you.  "I'm going to rock your world, little man" she says as she climbs in bed.  She grabs a tube of lube out of her nightstand and squirt some in her hand and coats you in it from head to toe.  "Don't want to break you the first time" she says "and it will be easier for you."  


She is on her knees on the bed towering over you as she lowers you down to between her spread legs and inserted you up her vagina.  She holds on to your ankles pumping you in and out mercilessly.  This seems to go on for a eternity until you feel her orgasm but then she pulls you out but keep rubbing your face against her cliterus and she may have cum again.   She finally pulls you away from her sex and brings your hot sweaty body covered in her fluids up to her mouth where she sucks and licks most of it off of you but adding her saliva to the mix coating you.


"That was nice" Cassandra moaned "But it can always get better." she says as she drops you onto her taut belly, "We'll have to do that on a regular basis, tiny."    She pokes at you and says "You don't look any worse for the wear."  but you can barely move after her treatment.    She continues to play with you and says "I need to figure out where I can keep you.  These girls are nosy and come in here unannounced.    Well for tonight this will have to do." and she snatches you up and carries you over to her desk and she drops you in a pint glass. She hold the glass up to her face and smiles in at you "Welcome to your new life, tiny" and sets the glass down on the desk as she goes about her business.   


After a while she decides to go out and ...

October 7, 2023
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