The First Step is Admitting You Need Help
Winning Her Back Chapter 3

“You know what? You’re right.” 

Anna cocked her head in confusion. “What?”


“You’re completely right. I mean, what was I thinking!?” You laughed to yourself, pacing back and forth across the bed. “This whole thing is so stupid! As if Zoe was going to open that box and see me like this, and - just like that - all is forgiven!”


“Um… are you okay?” the teasing tone in Anna’s voice had completely evaporated. This was genuine concern. “You’re not, like, dizzy or anything? The shrinking didn’t… fry your brain..?”


“Anna, I love your sister. More than anything. But grand gestures aren’t enough, I need to show her I’m better! Maybe it’s a good thing you opened the box instead of her!” You placed a hand on hers, taking a brief moment to marvel the size difference. “Anna… I want to be good enough for Zoe. Can you teach me how?”


“I… uh- this is…” Anna stammered, “you’re… crazy. This is the most… insane thing anyone has ever done!” A small laugh escaped her. “But, if you really want me to… what, tutor you..? Then sure.”


“Yes! Oh, thank you, Anna! Thank you!” You planted several kisses on her giant hand before she slowly retracted it. 

“Lesson one: don’t do that.” She wiped her hand on her shirt. “It makes you look desperate.”


“Noted!” You said with a sarcastic salute. “So, what’s lesson two..?”

July 15, 2023
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