Set Free By Kate
Winning Her Back Chapter 7

Kate says "Tell you what, if you really don't want to be with Zoe then I can help you."  Jack seems relieved and says "Thank you.  I think the key to the cage is in her top drawer."  Kate goes over and finds the key opening the cage.  Her hand comes into the cage and wrap around Jack extracting him.


She carries Jack downstairs and opens the front door walking out to the path to the sidewalk and street.  She sets Jack down on the path and says "There you go.  You are free."  The cold evening air immediately hits Jack's naked body and it is getting dark outside.  "You should watch our for cats, owls, hawk... pretty much anything." Kelly tells you looking down at him.


Jack is a bit scared of the outside and all of the dangers.  He starts thinking he'll probably have hypothermia before he gets to far.  "What are you waiting for?" Kate  asks him "Get out of here.  That is what you wanted."   Jack looks back up at her and says "Wait.  I don't think I can survive like this.  Can you call my friend, Lydia?"

Kate looks annoyed and says "No.  You wanted to get out and I gave you what you wanted.  I'm not doing anything else."  Jack answered "I changed my mind.  I'll die if I stay out here.  Please take me back inside."   


Kate is clearly annoyed and says "So you want to come back inside and go back in your cage and accept whatever Zoe sees fit to do to you."  Jack says "Well I do want to come back in but I don't want to go in that cage."  Kate squats down to be closer to him and says "OK, I'll let you back in but it is either back in the cage or you could come to my bedroom and I can put your sexy little body to work.  What do you think?  Of course you always have the option to stay out here.


Jack thinks and decides to 

October 8, 2023
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