Akira was safe behind the lighthouse. Riho remained distracted, searching for her helicopter in slow, rumbling steps. The people of Okinawa had a chance to escape, now that her all-seeing eyes focused elsewhere. Nodding to herself, the soldier kept her hands on the controls, maintaining position. "Those scientists will just have to wait. I'll take the time I need to scan from this cover."


The Daibijin's looming presence manifested itself, though she was out of sight: through her low breaths, the passive heat from her body, and the blips on the radar. The Trace Beam read her wide, womanly hips as they swayed, gingerly navigating the tiny island. "Mr. Buggy? Come out, please..." The feminine voice reverberated, stirring nearby fish and seagulls from their rest.


It was hard to see her face, so far up in the sky; Akira kept swaying the BH-2S Gorilla slightly out of her range of vision. She focused the scanner on the looming, sky-blue-clad buttocks before her - dripping wet, with a noticeable indent in the center. Even when she shut her eyes, that monolithic ass burned an image in her brain...


"...Urgh, you're boring!" Riho shouted suddenly. Her hips lowered, followed by her arms.




The lighthouse lifted into the air. Shining sunlight chased away the shadows, and the cover. Akira gazed up in amazement. The mighty Riho had just torn the tower right out of the ground! The stone surface crumbled, rubble scattering on her shoulders and into her cleavage.


Her looming, glazed eyes lit up, and her mouth curled up in a sleepy smile. She sung tauntingly to her tiny target: "Fooound yooou~!"


Akira immediately began spinning the helicopter around. She called to the comms: "Backup! I need backup- ARGH!" As if depositing a paper in the trash, Riho tossed the lighthouse in her flight path. The waves it generated in the sea knocked her out off-balance, disorienting her. What overwhelming strength!


"Heehee, no more flying away!" The giant beauty's massive digits - each slightly larger than a fully-grown man - gripped the rotating blades. They seized in her iron grasp, filling the cockpit with crunching and clicking noise. In a hurry, Akira activated the guns; but the frame around her continued to spin, making it impossible to get a clear shot at her midriff nearby. Finally, in a sickening SCRUNCHRiho crumpled the chassis like tinfoil in her palm.


The rest of the damaged chopper fell, detached from its crippled wings. It fell to the ground, the twisted walls a steely deathtrap for its pilot.


Until it hit a soft, light blue canopy.




The tail fin got caught in the massive bikini bottom. Riho had it held open to catch her. It hung from the elastic waistband, almost bouncing. Coughing, and kicking away at the walls, Akira escaped the chopper - falling face-first into The Daibijin's massive, pink pussy lips. She struggled to breathe in the stuffy landscape, and her legs couldn't stand on the wet, uneven surface - meaning she leaned into the hot, fleshy surface for support.


Against the sticky skin, the titan's pounding heartbeat was even louder. Everything rumbled as Riho spoke again, fascinated: "Oooh, it's not a bug... There's a little doll inside!"

Dizzy from the fall, and overwhelmed at the sheer size of the femininity before her, Akira could do nothing to dodge the huge hand. It snatched her up, and brought her to the immense, bright face. Up-close to her for the first time, it was startling to see how every little twitch in her cheeks and nose was magnified dozens of times over. It was almost hypnotizing. Having no pockets on the swimsuit, the model seemed content to leave the broken helicopter pressed against her crotch. Instead, she focused on the small woman in her grasp, trying helplessly to fight off the fingers. "Cuuuute! An army girl dolly! And it moves, too!"


Akira squirmed as the monster's index and thumb brushed her hair, squeezed her boots tightly, and tapped her cheek. "Let go! You grew somehow... *gasp* and I'm trying to... *gasp* scan you to get help!" With the dainty digits pressing on her torso and neck, she could only breathe in shallow gulps.


The behemoth face peered closer, her breath ruffling her tiny toy's locks and jacket. "Oh, and she can talk, too! Hello, little miss soldier!" She performed a mocking salute. Her arms swung around, making the woman fly helplessly - and scream bloody murder. Riho giggled in a light-headed tone, as if heavily inebriated. "This is way cooler than the toys I had as a kid! Hmm, I wonder how detailed it is underneath..." At that thought, the gigantic fingers detached from the military clothing, leaving the pilot lying in her open palm.


Her clothes lay exposed, ready for those massive fingers to pluck them off. As soon as her arms were free, Akira grabbed her pistol from her belt. "E-eat lead!" She fired round after round at the fair pillars of skin.


The bullets simply ended up lodged in her crevice-like fingerprints, and the joints between phalanges. They wiggled teasingly, the ammunition trickling out harmlessly from them. "That tickles! Maybe *I** should tickle you?"


"Bullets don't work, Akira... Gh... Gwahaha-AHAHA!" She began laughing, as the giant woman let a squirming finger under her uniform. It jiggled and twitched, creating a ticklish sensation that brought the pilot to tears. Her limbs all twitched desperately, tossing her gun off the palm's edge. All the while, the rapid movement tore away at her clothes, ripping them from the waist, to the stomach, to her shoulders. In shreds, her top fluttered off into the breeze. Riho now eyed her legs...


Akira bit her lip. "I'm... not done!" She pulled a knife from her belt, and jabbed it in the platform of fair skin below her. No use; it just sunk in, and bounced back. It's as if the ground was some kind of absorbent, spongy material.


"Hahah, bad dolly! Here's your pun-ish-ment!" In a single tug, Riho tore the baggy, standard-issue pants off her new human toy. The little thing was left shivering in her underwear, only a useless dagger in hand. Teasingly, she ran a finger over the tiny gal's smooth legs, up to her hip. "Aww, you actually look really pretty without those ugly military clothes! Your makers had impressive attention to detail."


The bemused, blushing soldier stumbled on her words. "Stop this! I'll... I'll call in the whole JSDF!" It was heartbreaking to stoop this low. But really, what else could she do? She was half-naked against a relentless - yet playful - giantess.


Riho simply giggled softly. "More toys? It'll be a party! I should practice my party tricks. This one is fun..."


Her long, wet tongue peeked out from her lips. It slid over Akira, caressing her restrained body with slick, sticky laps. Dexterously, the muscle slithered into her underpants, peeling them off. The woman yelped at the feeling of cold air on her exposed sex - and yet, the pink mass kept climbing. The Daibijin lowered the "doll" into her mouth. Now, screaming, Akira was waist-deep into Riho, her legs thrashing, her chest sinking past her lips. With more groping, twisting, and slathering, the pilot finally popped out... Buck-naked. Only a few simple slurps, and the tentacle-like tongue had completely disrobed her.


Covering her body in shame, Akira was now practically begging. "G... Give those back..."




Riho swallowed hard, sending the undergarments to her stomach. "Oh, whoopsies! Looks like my trick needs more practice..." Her face loomed again, ready to do who-knows-what.


Akira clutched her knife. Was this beast toying with her - or just legitimately dazed at the situation? Drunk with power, or plain drunk? Even if the soldier could get back down to the helicopter, she couldn't fly off. And her weapon was absolutely useless against the layers of expanded skin cells. She might have helped people escape the beach - but at what cost?

July 6, 2023
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