Akira held to the controls of her helicopter, the blades flowing smoothly through the air. The BH-2S Gorilla - standard-issue for the military. A cockpit she was familiar with. From the main island of Okinawa, the vehicle flew over the open landscapes, to the site of the "giant creature" sightings.


Over comms, the woman's superior officer from the National Guard contacted her: "Are you there? Reports say that the target is now moving."


With a nod, Akira kept her eyes forward, her dark hair bobbing. "Understood, Yokoi. Will I have reinforcements?"


A slight pause. "You're close to international waters. We can't perform large military maneuvers without evidence of danger. All we have now is hearsay and tabloid reports." He coughed. "I'll be in a meeting to request aid from overseas. In the meantime, you are to examine the monster, using the Trace Beam scanner onboard."


"Connect data on it... or her." She thought back to the briefing. The only pictures of the beast so far were blurry, shaking, and covered by bits of the landscape. Most of them were simple fragments of a hand, or a bit of leg. Still, the shapes silhouetted against the sunlight were distinctly round, curved - almost feminine. Or something distorting femininity.


Yokoi didn't react. "If in danger, you're authorized to fire. Good luck." The channel closed.


From within the cramped cockpit, the pilot groaned, tying her hair back. "They've sent me alone to peep on Godzilla. Jeez." She shook her head. "Let's hope it's only something in those hotel cocktails..."


Unfortunately, with the helicopter nearing its destination, the truth came to Akira - in small chunks. Radars began spinning like tops. A massive heat spot wandered around; warmer than a human, accounting for the a larger volume compared to surface area. Something big and hot. Sudden winds crashed against the side of the vehicle, making her swerve left and right to dodge it. They stopped as soon as they started, before another blast of air hit from the opposite angle. It was like a titanic thing was moving so quick, its arms and legs generated powerful gusts. Finally, to her growing horror, the shores of Minako came in view: littered with a set of long, flat footprints, half-full with swampy saltwater. Shaped like shoes... Or sandals. She flew lower, following the traces; her heart sunk deeper than the imprints.


"No - already?!"


The tracks led right into the populated areas.


Akira rushed up to the lush, green area. Trees crashed down around her, their branches cracking in a spray of splinters. With them, a low rumble of thundering footsteps - no, more a distant, deep breathing. No people in sight. Had the area been evacuated? Or were the citizens hiding? At the epicenter of the chaos, surrounded by crushed land and broken wood, a massive figure lumbered slowly. It was hidden behind the greenery, but with bits of sky-blue and skin peeking out. A few times larger than the helicopter, it quivered, not leaving the leafy cover.


Hesitating, the pilot kept a distance, pondering how to proceed. She hovered above, maintaining a consistent altitude. With a flick of a switch, she turned on the scanners that the forces gave her. They weren't within range to collect information. The behemoth stayed in place, only moving slightly. Was it... scared?


With a bite of her lip, Akira shouted below: "Come out! This is the National Guard!" She added, after pausing: "We're here to help!"


The ground shook.


More branches hit the ground.


The gigantic "creature" got up from her squatting position, humming in confusion. From the veil of green, her curious eyes popped up. Her slender neck popped out from the crumbling treetops, followed by full boobs, exposed midriff, and her sky-blue bottom.


Akira froze, a shiver running up her spine.


"It" was definitely a human. A human with a beautiful face and light brown hair.


Hair that was heading towards the chopper. She was flying too low!


She veered the vehicle to the side, only barely missing the oncoming titan. If it hadn't been for that extra training, and quick reflexes, Akira would be knocked into those silky strands. The reports hadn't exaggerated her size. If anything, they understated her measurements. This woman, when standing straight, was a jaw-dropping 48 meters. The befuddled pilot couldn't help but stare at the round tits beside her - each big enough to wipe out the helicopter in a single bound, and hanging 33m in the air. She felt fascinated, terrified, and not a little humbled.


"Hello?" The giantess' voice echoed above, as the gigantic girl looked at her surroundings. Her eyes were glossy and blurred. "I heard a whisper... Where are you?"


Akira sputtered. She didn't know whether it was safe to get this behemoth's attention. Even if the "Daibijin"'s intentions were peaceful, she was still dangerous.


The Goliath stepped away. Large booms echoed below the engine; by what the sensors said, each little step generated ten million joules of energy. "Are you there? My name is Riho Futaba. I woke up in this weird, toy city. There were cute fairies hiding in these teensy bushes... What are you?"


At the trembling noises, people scattered from the lumber and trees. None of them reached the height of her ankle - they wouldn't, even if without her sandals. They rushed while she looked to the sky, tripping and screaming at every minute flex of her leg or twitch of her toes.


It took a moment for Akira to regain composure. "This Riho... She's... She's big... And *gulp* - she's completely out of it!"


The National Guard member switched the scanner on, eager to progress the mission. This might give answers. The Trace Beam instantly homed in the massive woman's pronounced chest. The flier sighed. "Seriously - we need data from there?"


With a few seconds of scanning, Riho spun to the side. Her arms swung with her - creating turbulence that. "Ah, what's that flying thing? A big bug? It tickles..." She looked down at the BH-2S Gorilla, and stepped for it.


Handling the controls, Akira couldn't dodge quickly enough this time - the titanic left tit scraped it, damaging the landing gear. But quickly, the pilot got it parallel to the ground again. "Not now! She's not in her right mind!" Turning away, she performed an evasive maneuver.


But almost as soon as the chopper escaped, the towering girl began chasing. She practically skipped ahead, littering the landscape with her footprints. "Hahaha, come back here!" Her bright smile shimmered in the sky - while below, tons of tiny tourists dodged her deadly sandal treads. She stomped cleanly through private property overlooking the beach, shattering them to splinters as if it were nothing. Even as the Gorilla's speed increased, she kept following, giggling at every turn and arc. For someone so gigantic, The Daibijin was surprisingly quick on her feet; and judging by her face, this was her moving at a *leisurely* pace. She was treating it like some sort of game of tag.


Unable to shake the pursuing titan, Akira grit her teeth. "Can't let her close to the people... Okay. Guess I'm monster bait." There was a small spot with a lighthouse in the distance. Akira charged at full speed, making sure to zigzag - so her flight path didn't cross anywhere people could be hiding.


The constant rumble of Riho footsteps kept her sharply aware of the giantess' position. "Gonna catch you, Mr. Buggy!" The stomps became splashes as she drifted through the water, completely unaffected by its currents. With a spin, the diminutive woman ducked the chopper behind the tall lighthouse - and out of sight.


"Huuh?" The titan's confused voice boomed over the island, as her steps slowed down. "Where did you go...?"


Hiding nearby, Akira held her breath. Now, the scanners were able to read from her hips. She hovered in the shadows, flanking the huge mounds. She sighed to herself. "What the heck will our scientists do with this info, anyway...?"


As Riho peeked around, her rear fell in and out of range. The vehicle was still outside her notice. If Akira wanted, she could drift in closer. It would put her at more risk - both of getting spotted, and of being knocked out of the sky by an errant twist of those mighty legs. but the faster she scanned the creature and got out, the sooner the island would be out of danger.

July 6, 2023
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